GOOD DAY! ANO NA DAW LA AN NAHITABO HINI NGA KASO??!!! PAKIANA LA INI?? Kins of fire victim assails NBI’s alleged bias in its investigation By ROMMEL L. RUTOR January 14, 2007 Sponsor: CATBALOGAN, Samar – Despite the assurance of Congressman Catalino Figueroa to help the family of Candice Janine Paulin, the minor which was found dead inside the burned Lester Lace Grocery Store, via an in-dept investigation thru the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Mary Jean Paulin, the mother, accused the NBI here of partial and biased treatment of her daughter’s case. In a signed statement of Mrs. Paulin obtained by this writer, it was learned that Janine’s family went to the NBI office on November 20, 2006 to check on the status of the NBI investigation over their daughter’s death. “But we were disappointed and dismayed because they (NBI) treated us badly and without respect, they told us that our daughter was a thief and was looting in the said grocery store during the fire incident”, she informed. However, the NBI allegedly wasn’t able to come up with a proof that Janine was inside the burning store because of thievery, and that she was trapped inside the burning grocery store causing her death. In the same circumstance, Dr. Felino C. Gualdrapa of the Samar Provincial Hospital (SPH) here likewise implied that the NBI was allegedly misleading him during the conduct of the autopsy of the victim’s cadaver on November 15, 2006. In his signed statement, Dr. Gualdrapa narrated that he received a note coming from Mayor Tekwa Uy of Catbalogan, requesting that an autopsy be made on Janine’s body, but he was hesitant because he was the on-duty physician at that time in the SPH. But Dr. Gualdrapa reconsidered when a certain Wakie Cui called him up and told they will assist in the autopsy examination together with Dr.Teddy Yboa of the NBI Manila. The autopsy was conducted inside the Samar Memorial Chapel (SMC) morgue. “Even at the start, I already noticed that Dr. Yboa of the NBI was already misleading me in evaluating the cadaver, I never liked it but to avoid conflict and confrontation I remained silent out of professional courtesy”, Dr. Gualdrapa disclosed. Dr. Gualdrapa informed that the NBI medico-legal allegedly concentrated only on the degree of burns and did not evaluate the obvious deformities particularly on the face where according to Dr. Gualdrapa, the bridge was deformed possibly caused by a mechanical pressing of the nose of the victim to the point that no air can pass into the lungs. In the same instance, Dr. Yboa also allegedly tried to mislead him in describing the gastric contents of the cadaver to light brown fluid to show that the victim inhaled smoke, but Dr. Gualdrapa insisted that the gastric fluid found was light greenish in color manifesting that no carbon was inhaled by the victim. “Another point I cannot agree on was that Dr. Yboa insisted that the cadaver was still a virgin, and that she only had notches and not lacerated wounds, but when I examined the cadaver, she had hymenal lacerated wounds already healed, meaning the victim was no longer a virgin”, Dr. Gualdrapa added. Not contented by the NBI autopsy and bothered by his conscience, Dr. Gualdrapa returned for a second autopsy of the cadaver, and this time without the NBI and yielded with a concrete report. “In my second autopsy, I did confirm that the body was already dead when she burned, and I issued a certification to that effect because the cause of death was asphyxiation by suffocation or choking to stop passage of air from the nose or mouth. If she died because of the fire, her cause of death should have been carbon monoxide poisoning, which is impossible because the autopsy revealed that there were no traces of carbon in her lungs”, Dr. Gualdrapa disposed. He added that Janine was already dead for not less than three hours before she was burned. On the other hand, the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) here led by P/Insp. Fernando Ferrer likewise told in his signed statement that the theory of thievery by the NBI as being alleged by the parents of the victim was not supported by evidence. Ferrer also noted that the autopsy report of Dr. Yboa of the NBI contained a brief summary only and indicated no physical injuries despite allegedly of several apparent physical injuries on the cadaver. “That is why I requested for a re-autopsy of the body, this time with the PNP crime laboratory, which was conducted by Dr. Angel Cordero”, Ferrer told. “Through my experience as an investigator, I noticed some details will lead us to conclude that a foul play was evident, we are not buying the theory of thievery here because it of human nature that a child in distress trapped inside a burning establishment will become hysterical, will knock on the doors and will shout for help as loud as she can. But in this case, the body of the victim when found as shown in pictures, was laid down as if she was relaxed and was not even bothered by the fire, which is contrary to the theory of self-preservation”, he concluded.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:43:31 +0000

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