GOOD MORNING: TODAY MY INSPRIATION WAS THE SACRIFICE JESUS CHRIST HAS INDURED. HIS GRUSOME DETAILS OF HIS DEATH WAS SO PAINFUL AND HOW MUCH HE SUFFERED FOR US, SO LETS NOT FORGET WHAT JESUS CHRIST DID FOR US. LETS PRAISE HIM UNTIL OUR FINAL BREATH. BECAUSE HE DESERVES THAT AND MORE. THE GRUSOME DETAILS OF JESUSS CHRIST FINAL DAYS ON EARTH!!!!!! Let us honor JESUS CHRIST, today and always for his death and suffering he had made for us. It is the most selfish act anyone could bear, and because of that we have a chance for eternal life. I dont guess none of us every thought that JESUS, first of all was probably in great physical health. His life as a carpenter was not a luxurious life Im sure. He did not have the tools we have today, to make our lives so much easier to bear. But to add to that his mediterranean diet, is to be known as the healthiest in the world. And knowing his constant walking around for his ministry , was vigorous enough to put him in a reasonable health. Also, we should think that knowing what his mind felt about his gruesome death, and the pain and suffering he would endure had to take a toil on him as it would anyone. But because he loved us so much, he did. The first steps of pain JESUS CHRIST suffered: This cruel death of this crucifixion, first we have to go back and remember what happened first, that he produced blooded beads of sweat. This is where the veins and skin become tender from anguish that they break, mixing the sweat and with his blood. And remember without sleep and food and weary from his journey JESUSs body had become defenseless and would suffer more hours later. In March 1965 Dr. C. Truman Davis wrote an article titled (A medical explanation on the day he died.) Davis wrote that (flagrim) - a short whip with small balls of lead tied near the ends of each tong is brought down with full force again and again across JESUSS shoulders, back and legs. At first the heavy thongs cut through the skin only, The blows however, cut deeper into the sub cutaneous tissues producing first an oozing of blood from the capillaries and veins of the skin and finally, spurting arterial bleeding from vessels in the underlying muscles, The whip tears into skeletal muscles to produce ribbons of bleeding flesh. When finished with this they mocked him, a crown of thorns was driven through his scalp, causing more bleeding, the scalp being among the most veined part of the human body. They then placed his robe on, only to tear it off again, again opening the wounds whose dried blood has now adhered to the robe. This journey GOD has prepared for him was just the beginning he would go through. The heavy crossbar weighing 34 to 57 kg is put across his shoulders that he was too weak and weary to carry, remember he stumbles and falls so weak, and mentally drained. He could only carry it part of the way. Simon and Cyrene was ordered to carry the cross part of the way. More pain is coming: Just think he knows that he will be nailed to the cross soon. When being nailed to the cross he would be thrown backwards, grinding his continuously bleeding wounds onto the wood and possibly allowing dirt to enter them, making it more painful to bear. The iron spikes will be drawn through his hands and feet measuring 5 to 7 inches long. Some say it was the wrist. The hands is full of nerve sensors , any stimulation would cause agonizing shots of pain in both arms, and possibly throughout the whole body. Then the first nail was drove into JESUSs feet and now he is crucified. Remember now he is facing now the pain and agonizing of the nails in his hands and feet. The nerves in his feet are agonizing now. I cant imagine what JESUS is feeling now, so much pain to much to bear, my heart is pounding thinking of this cruel act, and the people who has done this, so heartless and just dont care about life. Just plain cruelty!!!!!!!!!!! As JESUS slowly sags down with more weight on the nails in the wrists, excruciating , fiery pain shoots along the fingers and up the arms, the nail in the wrist are putting pressure on the nerves, As JESUS pushes him self upward to avoid stretching torment. He places his full weight on the nail through his feet. This procedure of crucifixion is said to be relatively bloodless because no major arteries are hit. Which causes deterioration of JESUSS condition. His breathing is so labored through all this pain, He tries to push himself up to breath more freely. But offers no comfort. Hours of this torture, twisting and rendering cramps. JESUS slips into unconsciousness. (lack of oxygen). JESUS DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIX HOURS AFTER HE WAS NAILED TO THE CROSS!!! Remember when we take things for granted what JESUS CHRIST had to endure to save us so we would have eternal life. This was the hardest thing I would ever have to write, due to the details of the suffering of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I am proud to serve Him and will until the day I die. Look what he has done for me and the world. The most amazing thing anyone can do is offer there life for us...... As we should not forget the Men and Women in the military who are sacrificing their lives daily, to make sure we stay free.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:48:17 +0000

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