GOOD NEWS! EXERPT from Potential Within ISBN 0-9731701-0-7: "Whey - TopicsExpress


GOOD NEWS! EXERPT from Potential Within ISBN 0-9731701-0-7: "Whey supplements are now acknowledged as important factors in geriatric health for the very reason that geriatrics experience, with high frequency, altered gastrointestinal acidity and whey is assimilated by our cells without requiring significant digestion. Without these building blocks and co-factors, cellular glutathione levels diminish, lean-muscle levels decline more rapidly as we age and, as a result, biological aging advances exponentially. Studies performed on mice comparing casein-based chow with whey-based chow revealed the latter significantly enhanced longevity, possibly due to the measured increase in liver and heart glutathione (93). Glutathione is vital to chromium’s role, which in turn is crucial to insulin’s function in the body’s chemistry. Therefore, glutathione depletion may also contribute to insulin resistance much like chromium deficiency does, and from this standpoint alone the antioxidant’s deficiency promotes biological aging. The highly dependent relationship of alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, chromium, and insulin hasn’t yet been clarified conclusively by science, but I’m betting that one explanation for the insulin support that alpha lipoic acid delivers is the intracellular glutathione enhancement it promotes. In this way alpha lipoic acid sustains chromium in its job as an insulin activator. Again the synergy of nutrient supplementation is critical.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 07:29:49 +0000

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