GOOD NEWS...RON PAUL DEFENDS PUTIN OVER CRIMEA Former US congressman Ron Paul has defended Russian President Vladimir Putin over the upcoming referendum in Ukraine’s autonomous region of Crimea. Following the current crisis in Ukraine, people in Crimea will vote on Sunday on whether they want to be part of Ukraine or Russia. In an interview with Fox News, Paul said Washington and its Western allies participated in the overthrow of the government of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. “This whole thing that Putin is the big cause of the trouble and yet there’s pretty good evidence that the Europeans as well as the American government had to contrive to have the overthrow of a government that most people say had been elected,” Paul said. “And then for them to come along and say ‘Well, it’s an illegal government,’ and they want to have a referendum now, you know, in Crimea ‘Oh no that’s not permissible’,” he added. “And they say everything Putin does is illegal. He’s no angel, but actually he has some law on his side. They have contracts and agreements and treaties for a naval base there and the permission to go by that area,” the former Texas Rep. explained. Paul also noted that the Obama administration is hiding the truth about the crisis. “It reminds me a little bit about what would happen if all of sudden they said that the Americans are occupying Guantanamo illegally and we’ve just invaded Guantanamo,” he said. “It’s such a façade and hiding the truth.” “I think people have a right of self-determination. It’s written to the international law. It’s a moral principle and of course if you believe in limited government, everybody should have the right to minimize their government and there should be a right of secession.” Paul said he does not understand how the United States can argue against the results of the election. “We loved secession when we seceded from Great Britain, and we loved secession when the Soviet Union broke up,” Paul said. “I cannot understand how we could we argue against an election. You know that to me sounds like democratic.” The US has threatened Russia with sanctions if a referendum in Crimea region results in Russian annexation. If we are not successful tomorrow in finding a way forward and the referendum - which we all anticipate is going to take place on Sunday - is done without some path forward, there are going to be serious repercussions, US Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday. AGB/AGB 517 57 613 Related Stories: Paul: US sanctions on Russia act of war Comments (10)Add Comment Click Here Note: The views expressed and the links provided on our comment pages are the personal views of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Press TV. Tan UK Mar 14, 2014 11:28 AM Its tragedy that US public failed to see wisdom this man have and chose to have incapable president twice. Its strange to see that US public chose a president then within months same presidents approval rating hits all time low, i call it thats low life attitude by US public. Click to Rate ReplyRating0 Ashraf Mar 14, 2014 11:7 AM .......Crimea is NOT asking secession .........Crimea is asking to RETURN to the motherland!!........The United States support Israeli entity who is OCCUPYING PALESTINE ILLEGALLY..........& Yet call President Putins action of accepting Crimea back at the PEOPLES REQUEST illegal??.........Crimea belonged to RUSSIA( the entire Ukraine was Russia ONLY a few short decade ago any ways!)........ If We The People wants to RETURN ( not a secession!) to call Russian actions illegal is WRONG .........While Obama & Co is calling Israel the ILLEGAL OCCUPIER of Palestine .....INDISPUTABLE ALLEY & friend ( if Israel is a friend who would need enemy)???......... How many hypocrisy & LIES is possible ??.......How many DOUBLE STANDARDS is possible??...... How many??..... Click to Rate ReplyRating2 Johnny Mar 14, 2014 10:37 AM Ron Paul is the only honest politician in America. The shift to gas as energy with all its pipelines passing through many different countries will be a very complicated geopolitical factor i world politics. Click to Rate ReplyRating5 bernard Mar 14, 2014 10:13 AM Ron Paul is old style Christian American conservative politician. He was once upon a time typical of most politicians in America . Then the Jews started to corrupt beyond belief all that was good .They infiltrated every political party from the extreme right to the extreme left.They infiltrated the military,navy , air force, CIA,virtual control over all media, Banking,seized Federal Reserve,and the list goes on and on. In Hollywood they made thousands of anti German pro pity the Jew Holohoax movies. Through their total control over the media and Hollywood they aggressively promote the beast like act of sodomy as natural human behaviour. Today their is few brave and honest politicians in America like Ron Paul who have not been bought by the zioJews. Click to Rate ReplyRating6 margarida Mar 14, 2014 9:41 AM Shame these kind of good people who DO NOT DEFEND permanent WARS; ILLEGAL INVASIONS are not elected by the corporations in the US! WHY? Because they bring peace and NO money to these warmonger corporations. Click to Rate ReplyRating8 Dimitri Mar 14, 2014 9:26 AM If the people of the State of Kentucky can understand this, then there might still be some hope. Click to Rate ReplyRating12 Markin reply to Dimitri 3/14/2014 9:42:06 AM The people of the Republic of Texas also have a right to secede, and should be encouraged in pursuing their self determination, as should the people of the Republic of New Afrika in the Southeast, Cascadia in the Pacific Northwest, The Republic of Vermont, The Lakota Sioux, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the League of the South. The US is all for European countries and Middle Eastern countries splitting into little pieces, as long they dont merge with Russia, apparently, but is against its own separatist movements. If it was acceptable for the Austro Hungarian Empire, and the British And Spanish Empires, then its acceptable for Ukraine, and indeed the US. Click to Rate Rating6 Regina Mar 14, 2014 8:28 AM Thank you, Ron Paul!!! Your are a wise man! We need many, many more selfthinking people like you! Hugs from Germany! Click to Rate ReplyRating30 Just World! Mar 14, 2014 8:3 AM If Russia was moving in around america as america is encircling Russia, WW111 would already have started. The US is doing the very same thing to very dumb!!! Click to Rate ReplyRating27 why Americans? Mar 14, 2014 7:21 AM Ron Paul: in a world of lies the man speaking the truth is a Lier, this honest n honourable politician is a Great loss to America n the world, instead of Ron Paul and other great Americans you have international Gangsters running your country, WHY? Click to Rate ReplyRating51
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:15:53 +0000

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