GOOD vs EVIL GALATIANS 6:9 “And let us not grow weary while - TopicsExpress


GOOD vs EVIL GALATIANS 6:9 “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Evil is not just something that exists on television and in faraway places; it’s actually everywhere. However, we choose not to see it; we hide behind veils of selective ignorance. We are so worried with facing our personal fears that evil just becomes a backdrop of normality. We all struggle with our ever-present fears and yet it is so essential that we also embrace our inner stores of strength and face evil. People doing evil things tend to reject the idea that they live their lives deceitfully. They attract each other and unite together to strengthen their resolve; therefore it is very important to look at the company you keep in this world as their energy and ideals affect you via your prayer field, aura and even the subconscious mind. OLD ENGLISH SAYING “It’s hard to soar like an eagle if you hang around with turkeys.” If you associate with people who are negative or smoke dope and/or are pessimistic about all aspects of life; in five years you will be pessimistic and attracting negative situations or you will still be smoking dope and yet nothing in your life will have progressed. Conversely, if you associate with positive, successful and spiritual people, this is ultimately how you will end up. Whilst it is easy to cast aspersions against the presence of a dark force in others, I see all of us as affected in some way by the sheer machiavellian pervasiveness of evil. Evil batters us through the dark aspect of life until more often than not; we at some point give in to it. Lying, cheating, deceiving and taking things that have not been freely given, all slowly weave together in our lives creating a cluster of negative karma for evil to begin its hold. The danger lays in the way that we tend to justify the little acts of wrongdoing in our lives as merely, “Just a little white lie”, or “I’ll just take it, no one will notice and they do not need it or have too many anyway”, or “He swore, so I’ll swear back at the bastard”, etc; until one day we are left out in the cold, hurt, alone and without our bare essential needs. This is the dark forceful side of The Karma Bus running us over, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. God allows the devil to exist on earth as the ‘tempter’. God wishes for us to remain obedient to his Ten Commandments and to receive his consequent blessings; nonetheless, God allows the devil, for without temptation we would have nothing to measure against God’s truest power, glory and grace. Temptation, or specifically making an effort not to fall into temptation, promotes our deepest spiritual awareness and union with God. Evil is a slow moving cancer that will do anything to take hold in our lives. We must be vigilant and most importantly we must be honest with ourselves about our personal actions, thoughts words and deeds. We may mislead others but we can’t deceive our own heart. When we view evil it is not only important to look at our individual struggle, but we should also look further, at the world about us, which consists of large groups and even nations where evil has a firm grip on our fellow human beings. Sadly, evil is so subtle that at a glance we may miss its lurking presence and it is for this reason that it is wise to remain vigilant and we should pray and self-assess regularly. Perhaps the most difficult and important crossroad that one has in life is discernment. Discernment between the positive and negative, or the good and the evil paths that life presents us. This is an art that may be cultivated through meditation in Anahata. A technique that I personally use to discern what I should do in a particular circumstance is to ask myself, “Is what I am doing today going to be of positive influence to the evolution of humankind?” Or, “Is what I am about to say or do for the greater good and in support of the betterment of humankind’s evolution?”. If the answer is yes, then I feel comfortable to proceed; however, if the answer is no, then I have a re-think of the situation before proceeding. The mind is a cluttered array of thought patterns, many of which are not conducive to clear thinking or seeing through the eyes of clarity. Meditation takes us to the stillness of the mind and to Anahata where truth and discernment may gently rise to the surface and evil may be placed in its true perspective. Evil is something that may quickly become clearer to us as we trek along our personal spiritual path. It is at this stage of clarity we can begin to see the importance of our spiritual practices. Without regular spiritual practices and making the choice to read spiritual texts and associate with positive, successful, spiritual people, we will unconsciously attract the darkness that evil represents. Lazy people stand content in the darkness, which is disrespectful to them and to God. If you wish to help someone, as they sit in this gloom of laziness refusing to help themselves, all you can do is plant small seeds of positive ideas and hope they grow. We should not associate with people who continually show us they do not want to change, as ultimately they will affect us with their negativity. Now I am not saying that we should easily abandon these types of people, for their afflictions are not innate traits; however, sometimes there is only so much that we can do before they affect our health and wellbeing. People who resist change will generally have a past consisting of psychological or physical distress. They do need love and care and help and if a person does decide to walk away from the darkness, then of course we should help them as much as we can. The more someone walks away from evil and wants to help him or herself, the more effectively we may help them. Evil takes on many forms and will always be there surrounding our lives; however, when we embrace Anahata we will allow the love, light and peace of God to shine through us, causing us to walk towards the light and see evil for what it truly is. Although many people claim an allegiance and belief in God, they are hesitant to believe that the devil exists, and this, his greatest deception is what gives power to the prince of darkness. My partner and I are quite blessed, though when one experiences the hand of God, Satan becomes angry. The closer we come to God, the more Satan tries to dissuade us from the path of light. My meditation, daily prayer and unswerving faith had basically rendered Satan powerless, or so I thought. It was the middle of a typical day when a guy living in the same block of units spat the dummy at me over a minor misunderstanding. He went on to threaten me that I now had an enemy for life. As he said this to me, I saw evil overcome his eyes and his demeanour. This incident happened out in a common area between the units. After he left the immediate area I was left wondering what was going on. I walked upstairs to my unit and then stood gazing out my bedroom window. Suddenly, Satan himself appeared, some four metres high in glowing evil apparition – floating just above the garden bed adjacent to my first floor window. His eyes were black with red centres, his head and face grotesque and topped with small goat like horns. As I felt the almighty evil of Satan’s daunting red body emanating out and impressing upon my soul, I said loudly, “In the name of Jesus Christ”. Suddenly, what looked like an atom-bomb of white light exploded across the manicured gardens, Jesus appeared some seven metres high. As for Satan he vanished instantly, replaced by an overwhelming feeling of calm and wellbeing emanating from Jesus, through me. Jesus smiled and faded away, yet the bright light remained. In fact I was in a state of bliss for the following four days. Wherever I walked, bright light erupted before me, affecting all the people around me to shift their demeanours to the positive. Actually, it seemed as though a ‘field of light’ was around me for about thirty feet, for whenever I came within thirty feet of anyone, they would turn around, as if I had tapped them on the shoulder, and I could see from their faces that they were being overcome by the light and love that I know to be The Holy Spirit. As for the man who threatened me, only minutes after Jesus’ appearance, he came up to my unit and apologised for his earlier outburst. I didn’t tell him about my spiritual experience; however, we have been friends ever since. This kind of experience is not a game. When we become close to God and start to bring many others to God, which in my case was an ongoing flow of students – Satan becomes very angry. It is important that when we do inevitably find ourselves under spiritual attack, that we do not try to take Satan on in our own power, as all spiritual power belongs to God. Providing we put our fears aside (as this is the only power Satan has over us) and we give all power to God, then Satan is powerless over us. Our world needs strong leaders that can embrace the power of God‘s love directing it upon nations that are filled with destruction and hatred. The only war of violence that will ever be won is none! This is due to the simplistic effect of the laws that God has laid down with karma. When nations such as Australia and America use violence to supposedly cure violence, they are seeding futures of demise for themselves. No amount of good gained through violent methods can justify or balance the karmic scales. This isn’t to say that we should not help those poor and underprivileged people of the world; however, we should not ‘help’ them by using violence to remove their dictators and oppressors. God’s law of “love thy enemy”, means exactly that. It is the passionate fire of love that will burn a hole in conflict, bringing the love, light and peace of God into the lives of lost souls. When we love our enemies, eventually their hearts do and will open to God. Sadly, there are not yet enough leaders like Ghandi, the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela to cause a global consciousness awakening of the love, light and peace of God that is available to all sentient beings. Perhaps one day, and I pray that it is in my lifetime, we may see the unity of peace that is available to all of us. In the interim may God help all of the karma being collectively created. Finally, the key to dealing with evil is cultivating peace within us, for when we are at peace, we disable the devil who only has power over us during our negative, fearful or dysfunctional emotions. You see, fear is the devil’s only true persuader. As soon as we focus on neutral thoughts or call upon God, the devil reveals his true weak, powerless self. This is my thought for today. With love Amelia Takoda
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 00:24:28 +0000

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