GRAMMER BEHIND THE WORD Jazaki Allah and Jazaki Allahu Khair. - TopicsExpress


GRAMMER BEHIND THE WORD Jazaki Allah and Jazaki Allahu Khair. Jazaak comes from the root word jazaa (جزاء) which according to the popular Arabic-English dictionary, Al-Mawrid, has two meanings that are completely opposite to eachother! Thus jazaa (جزاء) can either mean reward OR punishment. So :Jazaki Allah can may either mean may Allah reward you or may Allah punish you, while Jazaki Allah Khair means ... May Allah reward you with the Best / Good, So the correct way is to say Jazaki Allah khair & not just Jazaki Allah. Though someone might say that the intention by saying Jazaki Allah is the same like Jazaki Allahu khayran, if its so, then why not use the complete wordings as used by Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and the Sahabas (رضى الله عنهم), which is Jazaka Allahu khayran ! You may also say Jazaki Allahu khairan katheeran which means May Allah reward you with good in abundance as Katheeran means abundance/abundantly. For Females. Jazaki Allahu khair For Males. Jazaka Allahu khair For Plural. Jazakum Allahu Khair. In reply to Jazaki Allahu khair you may say: For Females: Barak Allahu Feeki For Males : Barak Allahu Feeka For Plural: Barak Allahu Feekum Which means May Allah bless you, which is an appropriate way of thanking someone and replying to someone whos said Jazaki Allahu Khair to you. It can be used both as a thanking and a reply. As a reply you may also say: Feminine- Wa iyyaaki Masculine- Wa iyyaak Plural- Wa iyyaakum They all mean, same to you. (Above are the replies to someone who has thanked you with Jazaki Allahu Khair or Barak Allahu Feek) If someone has said Thank-You or Shukran and not used Jazaki Allahu Khair or Barak Allahu Feek to thank you, then reply them with Barak Allahu feek or Jazaki Allahu Khair, as replies like wa iyyak are inappropriate here. Share this message and gain ajr and make many use these beautiful phrases. Jazakum Allahu Khair !!!😊😊😊
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 12:50:05 +0000

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