GREAT STORY! -- I know its late, but I wanted to share. This is - TopicsExpress


GREAT STORY! -- I know its late, but I wanted to share. This is something that is EXACTLY why I LOVE to do what I do and serve lost leaders. ...There was a women at one of my events. She was very cool/chic looking, seemed very confident. However, as I networked with her and others, I noticed she was a bit stand-offish. One of those people when you walk up to them and talk to them, they move a few steps back a bit to not be in your personal space. As someone who networks, I notice and respect this. I found out she was a mom, so I started talking being a dad too and we were bonding on that point quite well. I thought it might warm her up to me, but still she had a hesitance, something within that was keeping a distance or wall, which again is totally fine, but I notice. I also got a sense that she was a single mom, since her friend was watching her kid, but I didnt ask about this. During my talk, I like to personalize and so I mentioned various people including her, especially the parenting aspect. I used my own stories, shared some major vulnerability about my life, but also gratitude for my biggest leadership purpose -- my children. Much of this was new content I never added before, including a piece on authenticity, vision, values, and even mentioning my Why (there are lost leaders everywhere). Anyways, enough about me... Several people came up to me afterwards, some left, others waited to talk, but finally so did single mom wait to speak to me. She opened up about how she loved my talk, but especially about sharing vulnerability, the dark days and wanting to invest in people and every story they have within. She felt she was going through an existential crisis and felt I was spiritual and had a connection with me. She said this year was tough for her and sometimes wasnt sure what her next step was or how to find her why. Again, I noticed she was still keeping her distance, but I felt there was so much more. At this point I asked her how has it been hard for you? and how can I help you? Then she broke down..... I reached and put my hand on her shoulder and just said its okay. Im here, were all here. Her dad recently passed away, her childs father was abusive and she and the child were in a womens shelter. She had no job, no prospects and no support in the city. She didnt have a vision for her future, both long-term nor immediate. She normally tries to stay strong because she is a mom, but she came that day to at least find some inspiration. I asked if I could hug her and we embraced for 10 full seconds. (during which I pointed out to her the power of the 6-sec hug). It was an incredible full-on hug too, with no sign of the wall I felt before. I could feel that certain point where she let go and allowed herself to be nurtured. It was a powerful moment. Then another friend came and we had a group hug. The hard part was that I didnt know at first how I could help her....I was at a loss for words at first. But I already believe her coming to the event was the first courageous step. The second was sharing her story with me. I offered to personally help her find a Vision and Belief. Then I would find whatever contacts I had to get her any Support she needed, which would ultimately lead to Action. I may come to some of you for that too. Her gratitude was immense. Her story was one of many Humans of Canada. Her need was Authentic. This Connection we created by Caring deeply and genuinely, by Communicating pro-actively and honestly was hopefully going to create positive Change. But its moments like this that fulfil me and my purpose to help lost leaders everywhere. I am still sometimes amazed how people open up to me, share their soul and the very root of their fibrous beings. The value is priceless and humbles me. I am so honoured by this enriching experience. I am so touched by the connection and sharing. But most of all I am so inspired by her courage through tragedy. Thank you. Im glad I helped. I hope I can help even more. I hope she reaches out to me. I hope.... Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. -- Andy Dufrense, The Shawshank Redemption cc: Humans of Canada - Official
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 03:50:13 +0000

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