GREATNESS RESIDES IN YOU! TODAYS SCRIPTURE. 2 Peter 1:4 Being born of the spirit makes you a spirit Jn 3:6!You are a spirit and the spiritual nature of Gods greatness resides in you. By virtue of your new birth,you now belong to a higher order of the Spirit realm. Just as children have the attributes of their natural parents, so do the children of God have the attributes and nature of God. With your spiritual birth you now have Gods nature of greatness in you. The human nature is associated with humanity,while the divine nature is associated with the God of greatness and excellence. The reason many believers have not come to terms fully with this truth is because they have spent a long time operating in the human realm and less time with divinity. They are so body and physically oriented. Their consciousness operates largely within their five senses more than the spirit-word. Until you embrace the truth of your divine nature of greatness, you cannot be in control. Consciousness of your divine nature will change your attitude towards life. You will be so confident in Gods ability to sort you out at all times no matter the challenges. God did not call you a man, but a god. You are greatness personified. Your salvation makes you a partaker of His divine nature of greatness. The eternal life you carry on the inside is real,not theoretical. It is the exact type in Jesus that made Him great. Once you become conscious of this, sickness, pain,evil spirits of any kind cannot survive your presence and authority. Failure itself cannot come near you. The Bible says whatsoever is born of God (a carrier of eternal life) overcomes all the hurdles of life (1Jhn 5:4). This truth will establish you in greatness forever. May God help us establish His greatness in us in Jesus name!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 14:04:16 +0000

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