GROWING IN JESUS ‘BELL-RINGERS’ FOR GOD ! Perhaps like many - TopicsExpress


GROWING IN JESUS ‘BELL-RINGERS’ FOR GOD ! Perhaps like many people, all I knew about the Leaning Tower of Pisa, was that it was a tower that leaned to one side and it was in Pisa, Italy. When I got the chance to see it in person, however, I was fascinated by something more. The nearly 900 year old Tower is actually in a fortress-like, walled square called Piazza deiMiracoli (Square of Miracles), surrounded by trees. The grounds are covered with lush green grass and paved pathways. And the Tower shares these holy grounds with a huge, circular building which is a baptistery; a beautiful, grey marble and white stone cathedral; a cemetery; and former hospital building called OspedaleNuovo di Santo Spirito (New Hospital of Holy Spirit). Furthermore, as I read some of the explanation boards about these structures, they revealed a progression of sorts as it relates to our world and God’s influence in it through His church body. The hospital was established to provide help and healing for the poor and sick; financial and physical struggles often being a means by which people come to see their greater, spiritual need. The Baptistery is the holy place wherein people publicly profess their faith in Jesus, receive the baptism of new life and become part of God’s eternal family. The Cathedral stands as the place of worship, learning and fellowship with God’s people. The famous Leaning Tower (the Cathedrals’ bell tower), spires nearly 200 feet towards Heaven, represents both a means of getting closer to God as well as a source of God’s presence loudly ringing down from above, calling all who will listen to draw near to salvation and new life in Jesus Christ. And the quiet cemetery off to the side, being an ever present reminder of the our mortality, the shortness of life on Earth, and for the faithful; but a temporary place of bodily repose as we await the glorious return of Jesus Christ and our own resurrection and eternal life with God. The situation of these structures and places on the grounds of this square coupled with their individual functions in our world, were to me, such a living picture of the world in which we live and the purpose of the church, God’s holy people, you and I. There are people all around us who are in need. Some have financial needs, some physical, some relational; some just need someone to listen to them. As Christians, we are to be their Hospital, the people they can turn to, the place they can go to find healing, hope, and to point them in the direction of a new life with Jesus. Then, as they see their need for Jesus, through baptism we can be there to welcome them into the family of God. And as the cathedral in Pisa, our church(building) is to be the place we encourage people to come and learn more about the life God created them for and worship Him together and continue to share our joys and concerns with one another, constantly extending the love of our Father. And as Pisa’s Leaning Tower winds upward to Heaven and its bell rings out to the world around it; we as the church are called to encourage, exhort and lead one another upwards into a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. And until that glorious Day of Jesus’ return, we are to lovingly and boldly live out the wonderful honor, privilege and responsibility our Father calls us to fulfill; to keep ringing the bell of salvation and exclaiming to those in this world around us the love, truth, hope and new life God is calling them to, in Jesus. May we as God’s church body here in Sunnyside be the ‘hospital’ of healing, the place of salvation, new life, worship, nurture and growth in the Lord; and the ‘bell-ringers’ of God’s love, truth and hope upon the ears, hearts and lives of those in our world who desperately need Jesus or are truly searching for Him. Just like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, we as a church (and as individuals) may not be perfect, but we have been made complete in Jesus. We must not focus or dwell on our physical or human imperfections, but by faith, abide in our perfect Savior and proclaim God’s perfect Gospel. Let’s go and be ‘bell-ringers’ for God! …ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: Colossians 2:10…I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20…Christ…Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: Colossians 1:28
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:56:34 +0000

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