GUEST: Oh my gosh… Oh my gosh… It has been a dream come - TopicsExpress


GUEST: Oh my gosh… Oh my gosh… It has been a dream come true. ABRAHAM: That’s just the way it is supposed to be for you. GUEST: YES! Oh my gosh… I really love you! So, I guess when I was 18 years old I had kind of like a near death experience, and it really woke me up. And I go so much information… I got the pieces of truth and, now, you make it a whole system. And it was so wonderful when I heard your words. I thought, “Oh my God… That’s what I figured out!” I know that I want to feel good. I know that feeling good is important, but I don’t know why, like, feeling good will make those things manifest… but you just did it all. But, now I have a question… I have so many friends, but I couldn’t tell anything to them because I know that no one would understand me, and… ABRAHAM: Yeah, because NOBODY wants to be HAPPY. […laughter…] You really should keep that to yourself. […laughter…] GUEST: And I tell my friend that I have to come here and see you because I feel like you’re the only person who understands me. That is the truth, you know… And my friends, whenever they feel sad, they all come here to ask me questions… They say, “I know you’re going to tell me how to do it because you always give me the perfect answer. But, whenever I feel something that I don’t know the answer I will always go to find your, like, DVD, books, things like that. I always turn to you because I have no one to talk to. And it has always been my dream to sit in front of you. It has always been my dream. […applause and cheering…] So the question is: When I was 19 years old, when I was looking back, I had nothing to feel happy about, but I figured out a way that I could feel happy. And I was really, really happy. And I had nothing to be happy about. I had physical pain at that time… ABRAHAM: Okay, so we’re just gonna interrupt, just briefly, so you found unconditional happiness? GUEST: Yes. ABRAHAM: There was nothing to feel happy about, but you found a way to feel happy, and then…? GUEST: And then, now I feel so sad because all of the beautiful things manifested. I had the best 5 years… ABRAHAM: So wait… so… so wait… […laughter…] So, you looked back, and you had nothing to feel happy about… GUEST: Yeah. ABRAHAM: But you managed to feel happy… GUEST: Yes. ABRAHAM: And then you had the best five years, and now you feel so sad because…??? […laughter…] GUEST: Because I lost it. All of these things manifest. I was from China [and came] to New York, and I knew you in China at that time… our government blocked something, so I couldn’t really, like, get information from you… but at that time I knew you… and then something just brought me to New York. It’s, like, magnificent. And I got everything I have ever wanted. And maybe… I don’t know why… and little-by-little… I lost that unconditional love, and I try so hard to find it back… ABRAHAM: Do you think it’s because you found yourself in an environment where you began to get focused on so many conditions? GUEST: Yes! Yeah, because they’re so wonderful! […laughter…] It’s the truth. It’s like beautiful [things?] and amazing places, and it’s so wonderful that later I’m so fearful that I’m gonna lose them. ABRAHAM: So, so, so… well, we started there today… when things that you really want – this is important, this is a big piece for everybody – when you don’t have it, your yearning for it, so you’re blocking it… and then, somehow, you manage to sooth yourself enough that – through the crack of least resistance, and it’s often for most of you, a crack – you allow it to flow, and then you began to use your rational mind to reason – usually from a position of undeservability – that it’s not going to last. In other words, it’s because there was not yet a sustaining expectation of things to continue to work out well for you. You must have had enough belief for it to sorta kinda happen, enough belief for it to happen for a little while, but not enough belief to really sustain it. And, there is something sort of irrational about that because you would think that if it is happening it would give you more reason to expect it to happen, but that is the pitfall of the conditional love that so many of you are living… You’re using the conditions to work against yourself. It will not be until you find that place where you just know your rightness, your goodness, your blessedness, your deservability… that you will be able to sustain this Energy Stream that you so much want. It’s endless… GUEST: Can I give you an example? ABRAHAM: Yes. GUEST: Before, I really wanted to be a professional dancer, but for some reason, like, when I was little, I couldn’t. And when I got here in New York, I found so many amazing dancers, and now I’m kind of old… compared with professional dancers. I’m like 25. […laughter…] And they’re like 16… and I don’t know, like, how I’m gonna get it this life time… ABRAHAM: Now, isn’t this interesting… that she’s 25 and already feeling shortage of youthfulness… using a comparison of 16 in order to club herself over the head. And those who are slightly older, like Esther… […laughter…] …want to kill you! […laughter…] What we’re getting at… We get what you mean… because you’re talking about… in the world of dance and the way it goes, it’s like the athletes who still are at the prime of their life, whom they are calling them the ‘old man’ because he’s in his thirties or something. But so, the point that we want to make back to you is… Do you see how humans can take even the best of conditions and use them against themselves? GUEST: Yes! Yes! ABRAHAM: And that’s what’s going on. By looking at something, that to most feels so absurd, and using it against yourself… So, the question is: Why do I do that? Why would I not be advocating for my benefit? Why would I not be emphasizing for my benefit? And the reason is because you are in a physical world where so many are making so many comparisons. You live in a very conditionally-oriented world, and it isn’t working our very well for any of you. And when you are masterful – as you are – when you begin to catch the spirit of what your true potential is, you just can’t do that in a conditional world. You have to break out of that. You have to massage your thoughts into a way that you feel the energy. In other words, in the way that a sculptor learns to manage the clay, learns the material in which they are working, learns the best material to work with, and the best conditions under which that material is moldable and pliable, you are learning to do that with energy… And the way you learn to mold the energy is by accepting the naturalness of your desires, and then find a way to make your desire feel possible, to make your desire feel good. In other words, you cannot offer a statement such as, “I am too old at 25, I have to be 16, so to live my dream in the way that I want to now is not possible,” do you feel the resistance that you are adding to that equation? And so… you’ve just gotta stop doing that. You’ve gotta warm that up. And it feels like, when you have big dreams, when you have specialized dreams, that it then requires more focus or that then it is more difficult, but it is not. It is as easy to create a castle as a button. Esther just proved that to herself. It’s as easy to create a castle as a button. 2014-10-18 Westchester, NY Transcript by Esmée La Fleur #AbrahamHicks
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:50:57 +0000

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