GUIDE TO A WESTERN REVOLUTION By Shawn Peacock David Cameron - TopicsExpress


GUIDE TO A WESTERN REVOLUTION By Shawn Peacock David Cameron and his cabinet will undoubtedly pull us out of this recession and from the depths of ideological austerity as promised. However, try to rise above the media hype, the false figures and the spin and remember that the system is STILL largely broken, out of date and extremely corrupt, and know that it will be the poor and middle classes who will inevitably pull us all from it not the hoarders and tax dodgers, They will be too busy hiding their fortunes offshore, enjoying government handouts and favourable changes to regulations. The bankers will continue to squander our millions in huge bonuses and bail outs. MPs will steal money from tax payers coffers for their ridiculous expenses, setting up private firms to take the rap for them giving themselves pay rises above the rate of inflation. Did you know that last year Rolls Royce actually made the biggest profits in their long history from British customers?. People try to stick up for the hoarders and the tax dodgers by saying that they give a lot to charity, well that wont wash....Most charity given by greedy tax dodgers is infact just that...a tax write off and is in no way intended as the charitable gesture it sold as. Anyway meanwhile 33,900 homes were repossessed across the UK in 2012 and more in 2013. Turns out that many of these people were given their mortgages illegally by banks as part of the bubble that ultimately led to the recession, ushered in by Tony Blair and his bullshit deregulations.....What these poor people failed to realise was that the banks were in fact committing huge crimes and under international law the people evicted were actually entitled to stay in their properties. Did their governments give them this information? No as their allegiance is to the corporations not us, so as a result people still gave up their homes and went homeless and all this was happening while the taxes the evictees payed over the years went to bailing those same banks out and paying their huge bonuses. Our government isnt for us anymore they are for the corporations, they have to be and this is where the system fails us. The British system as it evolves is becoming more anti human and more pro corporation. Ours is a very old and complex system, therefore a politician alone cannot make the necessary changes the system needs, there are far too many frontiers of power now. Dont forget that most multinational conglomerates now are more powerful than most western countries, in fact many now are countries unto themselves, with their own democracies, their own media, their own police and as much clout and as much secret service, military backing, political power and influence as your average country and there too lies the problem. The system has not adjusted quick enough to the speedy rise of the corporation, so therefore the system has worked its self into a situation where only the corporations benefit from the system everyone has to pay through the nose, risk loosing assets, jobs, lifestyles. Many working class families now dont have the time or money to enjoy leisure with their this fair, when you work all the hours god sends? People talk about benefit scroungers but is it right that a multinational corporation who earns billions a year can have someone on zero hour contracts and pay them low wages, so low that the government is forced to subsidise them by giving the employee state benefits so they can keep their families in food, heating and accommodation? is this not corporations being subsidised by the state? Democracy was created for us the people. You CANNOT have corporate CEOs, Banksters and majority shareholders in the upper house.....this is ridiculously undemocratic. You also cannot allow silent lobbyists to dominate the political processes from behind the curtains of this country e.i. Fracking lobby, Monsanto Lobby etc.. With the system how it is banks will undoubtedly force us into another recession, its the way they operate. Recession isnt a bad thing for banks, similar to war they actually in many cases thrive from them, they NEED them. Weve had recessions in 1930, 1956, 1961, 1973, 1980, 1990, 2008 and 2011 and they are becoming more frequent and the only people to benefit from them is the elite not us. You may think this isnt a problem, you may think your surviving this one but within the next 4 recessions theres a chance everything you will have built up in your life, your savings, your home, your business could be swallowed up in one of these. Whats gonna happen when the gold investors realise there is no gold and that piece of paper they were given telling them how much gold they have is just that...PAPER. China is now making 5 foot by 2 foot solar panels for something like 50p each. Germany are making billions from solar energy, nearly 80% of their households now have solar panels, they are now one of the greenest countries in the EU....and their countryside looks awesome, not a Fracking site for miles. The reason you have Fracking in this country is because corruption and powerful lobbying. All the people involved in energy in this countries government are being bought or threatened. Fracking was banned by the French on environmental grounds (watch gas lands 1 +2 to find out the dangers of it). The French ironically are now Fracking us and our government are allowing it. What does this say to you about our united Europe? The French are doing it because they can, because the system allows them to do it, there is nothing in place to stop the corrupt processes that has allowed these god awful machines to operate in our beauty spots. The point i am making is that there needs to be a complete overhaul and updating of the current system. Politicians cannot make the reforms themselves, not with all these frontiers of power breathing down their necks. There needs to be some kind of uprising from the people to motivate these huge changes. Politicians need the backing of the people, without us behind them theyll just get slapped down and lose their political careers.....We are in a 4 year dictatorship system, where the voice of the people is determined by what the tabloid media decide we all want, by consumer figures and by the odd survey of 10.000 or so people and this is certainly not working for us. Revolution doesnt have to be riots, Molotov cocktails and riot can be like Icelands revolution, a quiet, well informed, peaceful social revolution that starts from social networking then maybe filters into media. Then from that, into our workplaces, bars, schools, colleges, universities then eventually into the mainstream thought processes.....Once middle England grasp and trust the idea youll have the beginnings of a fully blown revolution. All it will take to light the fuse after that is one piece of corruption exposed in the media, then youll have millions in the streets. Imagine the national pride well feel if we finally took control of our country again. England does not have a fair system despite what the press and TV will tell just need to spend some time looking at places like Scandinavia, Switzerland, Iceland, Germany and Australia to see ours is ridiculously unfair and corrupt. Did you know that in history there have been nationalised banks in the world where the money made goes directly into the infrastructure of the country.....something like this would lift you from a recession in DAYS!!! Problem is we can’t do this now because private banks are pretty much unelected emperors of the world and anyone who speaks against them is quickly shouted down by the economists and intellectuals who have huge livelihoods and investments in them. They also fund all our political parties and their campaigns, so like religion held us back a 1000 years in scientific evolution, expect banks too hold us back too as our docile nation raise their wrists to be shackled as we enter the age of debt slavery. The only way for this country to truly get back on its feet again is REVOLUTIONARY reform, that means upsetting most of the institutions, the vultures, the vampires, the conglomerates, the lords, the ladies, the banks, the MIC, the IMF, the world bank and all the other bodies who have for decades fed of the blood sweat and tears of the British people. The new system must control lobbying more, it must allow the internet to integrate into the political process giving the people more of a say. We must make the tax payer pay parties for their political campaigns in equal amounts and stop the business of parties being bought by the city through donations etc...we must make profiting from your ministerial position a treasonous offence. We must change taxation, offshore banking laws internationally. We must stop media monopolies i.e. Rupert Murdoch from dominating politics, party politics should be equal among all media outlets, its not a media giants job to sway people toward 1 particular party. MPs expenses should be tightened if we have to pay a man 150 grand a year they like us should pay for some of their expenses too. There should be a nationalised bank that supports the infrastructure of the country and not go into the pockets of private shareholders and bankers. The city needs reforms, the stock markets need to be monitored more. Banks need to be re regulated internationally. We need to renationalise all our main industries gas, electricity, water, rail, buses, NHS, Social services, prison services. Corporations need to have international regulations put on them to prevent them from threatening to leave a country if people stand up to them or punish them for crimes. Above all power needs to be returned to the people and if it takes us to march into parliament with the Magna Carter then so be it. These are just a few things needed to improve our country. America as big and as complex as it is survived months with no senate during the government shut down, so a few weeks to reform parliament and rewrite a constitution won’t kill us. So get behind a revolution people and let’s leave a good legacy for our kids. We don’t want to be known as an ignorant, selfish generation that were so busy chasing celebs, following fashion and being entertained we forgot to mould a better world for our offspring. It makes perfect sense.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:10:24 +0000

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