GUNBOWER TENNIS CLUB VERBAL TROTS by MISS PIGGY Oh bugger! Just wasted half an hour looking for ones little black book that we jot some of the rubbish in. Oh well, sometimes it just gets in the way of a good story! One obviously had the blonde wig on and left it at the courts. Might just have to wing it! ...... Well start with the juniors and yes, you guessed it, Div 1 Blue and Div 3 had the bye - again! Div 1 Red hosted Cohuna and Bronte and the boys disguised as Tom, Charlie and Leighton had some tough sets but all the good shots went to their opponents and it was down the gurgler. Cant remember the scores (Jim Beam delusions!) but that doesnt really matter. One thought that we may have had the wood over Cohuna, but we all know what thought thought! A bit like the Div one seniors, who also hosted Cohuna - the buggers in blue! Seems the only ones feeling blue were Gunny. Thought they may have scraped in, added up the scores, down by one measly game - again! Add it all up again and it still came up that Gunny had lost by one! How many times has that happened this season? Thought I heard a comment along the lines of if the men had pulled their fingers out ....! Might be just another of those delusions too! I do remember that Gunny were just one game down going into the mixed. Think Gunnys players were under the impression that they had done enough in the mixed sets to snatch victory, then to go down by one lousy game. Oh rats bats and billycans and a muddy bucket of pitch! Div two seniors certainly didnt have that problem when they travelled over to Barham. They knew they were done like yesterdays dinner before the mixed! I definitely remember - no bull! - that Junior and Will, then Zac and Hayden P started duck opening a fortnight early. The fellas were up against it so to speak and Linda pointed out that they didnt even get to double figures after six sets had been played! Linda, Lurch, Lucy and Courtney (promoted again) fared a bit better as they were down by just two games. Not that it made that much difference cos even if we won all of the mixed sets 6-0 we would still go down the gurgler! Didnt stop us from trying though, and believe it or not we won three mixed sets - wonders will never cease! Junior drew the short straw and copped Lurch in the mixed. You know, thats over 100 years just up that end of the court - I didnt think Junior was that old! Anyway, Junior was running around like a gazelle on heat and managed to carry Lurch to a win - yippee! Linda, Lucy and Courtney were the best with the bat as they at least scored two winning sets each! The way it looks at the moment Gunny will have all teams except the div 2 seniors (for the first time in yonks!) in the finals, unless they choke something chronic in the last two weeks. A great effort for our little hamlet. See you all at practice on Wednesday where we can all tell more tall stories! The joke for this week - A young teacher was giving an assignment to her grade 6 class one day. It was a large assignment so she started writing high up on the blackboard. There was a giggle from one of the boys. She turned around and asked, Whats so funny Peter? Well teacher, I just saw one of your garters Get out of my classroom, she shouted, I dont want to see you for 3 days. She turned back to the blackboard. Realising she had forgotten to give the assignment a title, she reached to the very top of the board. There was an even louder giggle from another boy. She quickly turned and asked Whats so funny Mike? Well teacher, I just saw both of your garters. Again she shouted Get out of my classroom! This time the punishment is more severe. I dont want to see you for 3 weeks. Embarrassed and frustrated she drops the eraser when she turns around again. She bends over to pick it up.This time there is an all-out laugh from another male student. She quickly turns to see little Johnnie leaving the classroom. Where do you think you are going, Johnnie? she asks. Well teacher, from what I just saw, my schooldays are over!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:43:51 +0000

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