"...Gaia tires of war and conflict and has come to the decision - TopicsExpress


"...Gaia tires of war and conflict and has come to the decision that Her planetary being is in grave danger if she does not complete this upgrade of a new operating system. Therefore, she is moving forward, with the full support of her plant and animal kingdoms. However, many of the human animals have resisted this shift because their consciousness has become so low that they cannot even imagine unconditional love, which is the basis of the new upgrade. However, the other humans who support the change have allowed their consciousness to accept the higher frequencies of light that are now bathing planet Earth. These humans of Gaia are gaining more and more access to the frequency of unconditional love. When their consciousness is infused with unconditional love they hold far more potential for creation than those that have maintained their lower consciousness of power-over-others. Therefore, as the percentage of human population that resonates to unconditional love increases, which it is steadily doing, the percentage of human population resonating to fear-based behavior of being a victim-to-others and power-over-others will diminish. Eventually, many will fully accept the shutting down of certain behaviors, concepts, thoughts and emotions that are the foundation of the old polarized operating system. This old operating system is in the process of being replaced with a quantum operating system that works directly with photons of light to instantly create via thoughts fleshed into form by unconditional love. Hence, new forms are actually arising on Earth that can only be experienced by those whose consciousness, and thus perceptions, resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond. Those who maintain the lower states of consciousness of victim or victimizer will not be able to experience the new forms of earth life because they will not be able to perceive them. Their mental matrix and frequency of emotional reactions/creations cannot perceive frequencies that resonate above that of third dimensional form. Hence, they will soon "drop out of the game" as they will no longer be able to perceive the playing field. They will continue with the third dimensional illusions that were perceived as reality according to the old third dimensional operating system. They will not be able to perceive or participate in the higher frequencies realities, as one can only participate in a reality that one can perceive. Meanwhile, those who are accepting the multidimensional operating system will be able to experience the manifestation of Divine Ideal of planetary ascension in their daily life. Those who once played in the lower frequency field of reality will turn their attention, and thus their perception, to the higher frequency fields to experience an entirely different reality. This process will be much like viewing a movie in the basement of a theater, then choosing to leave that view screen to climb the stairs to the main lobby to view a different version of that movie. The basement movie is based on power-over-others and the resulting fear and subjugation, which changes when the warriors fight and win so that another group can have power over the ones they just fought. On the other hand, the move in the main lobby is based on humans learning to release all attachment to conflict. In fact, these humans are refusing to participate in the illusion of separation and limitation for they have discovered a different reality based on unconditional love. They have discovered this realty by expanding their consciousness into the higher frequencies in which unconditional love is normal and fear is long forgotten. Which movie do you want to watch?" Please feel free to join this new group: https://facebook/groups/532212033483044/
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 15:09:53 +0000

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