Gaius Chibueze > Youths Initiative for Sustainable Agriculture - TopicsExpress


Gaius Chibueze > Youths Initiative for Sustainable Agriculture (YISA) Nigeria. GREENER PASTURE. Many of us, at one time or the other,are tired of where we are and yearn for somewhere easier, more productive, or more pleasant. There is nothing unusual in this, when faced with such a yearning, some buckle down or shake it off and remain where they are. Others move on to what they suppose are greener pastures. Whether the greener pasture is a job, city, or relationship, the desire for something better and the need to make a decision remains. THE GREEENER PASTURE INITIATIVE. (TEACHING YOUTHS HOW TO FISH) The greener pasture initiative is born out of the need to solve the problem of uncontrollable rise in the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. The average Nigerian youth wants to go to school and graduate, get a good payable job with security, live a meaningful life raise a family where all needs are taken care of and retire at a good old age. But this has not really being actualized for some. Some end up graduating with good grades but no job while others get jobs with little or no security. An average Nigerian youth is always scared of what old age would look like, some even go as far as asking themselves the following questions; “what if after graduation I cant get a good job,” “what will life at 70 look like for me?” this and many more are challenging questions that face the Nigerian youth every day. The government has actually tried in its bid to provide employment for the increasing number of graduates who come out of school on yearly basis, but the youths themselves have not actually tried to help the government solve the problem of unemployment. If you ask any Nigerian youth where he or she will like to work after school? Answers that you will get will make you understand that if something is not done to re-orientate the youths then the future will be one filled with many graduates with nothing to put food on their table and that of their family, answers like “ I will like to work with NNPC,”I will want to go into politics and have my own share of the national cake” everybody wants to get his or her own share of the national cake but nobody wants to go close to the oven where this cake is been baked. Agriculture has been left to the ground even though it has grown from a period of traditional and uncivilized farming to an era of mechanized and industrialized farming. all governments effort to rebrand the agricultural sector has proved almost abortive because the younger generation see farming as a dirty mans business and feel that it should be left for the old and dying generation .I foresee a future nation where people will be so rich with plenty of money in their pocket but no food to buy with this money and the end result will be an eventual death from hunger. I think we can avert this future calamity. Agriculture was Nigeria’s main source of income before the discovery of crude oil who many see today as “sharp sharp money” after crude was discovered the government shifted all its attention from agriculture in a bid to enrich their selfish self and mislead future generations unborn .Today the result for their past action is the cause of all the social vices we experience today, things like political unrest, excessive quest for power, a generation of youths who want to enjoy without suffering ,a generation where young men will want to see the elderly suffer in the name of kidnapping for a ransom. A country where immorality has become a major source of income for young healthy ladies, all this happen as a result of excessive love for wealth with out proportional effort to acquire this wealth. So far so good the government of the day has realized this mistake and is trying so hard to make necessary corrections but I still believe the past is history, today is an opportunity, and tomorrow is a brighter day. We all must start rebranding our mindset especially the youths who are the future leaders of the country. We need to diversify the economy and build a creative generation where life will be meaningful with or without oil money. A nation where we can sleep at night with stomach full of food cultivated and harvested in Nigeria. This is the greener pasture dream. THE GREENER PASTURE CONCEPT. This is a concept that intends to re-orientate the youths who are the future leaders of the nation teaching them basic things they need to know about life, opening their eyes to a world of endless opportunities outside the oil money “syndrome” and creating an enabling platform for them to harness their potentials in other entrepreneur fields like agriculture and industrialized farming. Creating more job opportunities and reducing the number of unemployed therefore making Nigeria a safe haven for private and foreign investors. THE GREENER PASTURE REALITY TV SHOW: ‘CORPORATE FARMER”(GREEN HOUSE NIGERIA).The corporate farmer is a television series being created to highlight what it is like to live on a farm and depend on it for your livelihood. It is a show about young Nigerian farmers who are determined to be a succesful no mater what condition they find themselves in. This is a reality Tv search for the most promising Nigerian young farmer, young entrepreneur from all parts of the nation will be advised to pick the form, Auditions will hold at different locations in the country and selected contestants will be taken to one of the biggest farming state in Nigeria for a three months training and farm cultivation quest, during these 3 months they will be trained in different areas of mechanized agriculture and life stock farming. They will be visited by top entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector who will come to motivate these young minds and encourage them. Each contestant will be taught how to grow a certain short term crop that should be harvested at the end of 3 months, viewers will also support their preferred contestant by voting for them through text messages. This reality TV show will be aired on all national Tv stations and a winner will emerge at the expiration of the 3 months. Contestants will be slowly evicted based on their performance in the practical agriculture and live stock farming, regular test will be administered to ascertain their individual performance and to determine who should be evicted from the green house. At the expiration of 3 months two final contestants will be left and the final assessment will be carried out based on viewer’s choice and individual performance to determine the final winner who will go home with N8milion and the second runner up goes home with N5milion all to be invested in any part of agriculture of their choice. IMPORTANCE OF THE GREENER PASTURE TV SHOW ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY AND THE NATION IN GENERAL. The show will help redirect the Nigerian youth to see a promising future in the agricultural sector; it will help to reduce over concentration on the oil sector, it will reduce unemployment, youths will come to know that they can actually be celebrated as industrial farmers. It will also help to correct the wrong impression that farming is a dirty mans business, and possibly create more opportunities for people who want to create their own wealth, helping them to build their own world where they can employ and still pay other graduates salaries. I also want viewers to take a message away from the show ,to realize how important it is to support local farmers ,and get back to natural ways of the land including growing their own vegetable and raising their own domestic live stocks. I want Nigerian citizens to be less dependent on other countries for food, “buy from their own local farmers” I also want kids to know that chicken meats are not hunted from the forest; I want them to know where milk is gotten from. Finally it will reduce crime and social vices. HOW GOVERNMENT, YARA AND WELL MEANING NIGERIANS CAN SUPPORT THE GREENER PASTURE INITIATIVE. Before empowering the youths financially you need to create in them a heart of self discipline and a patriotic spirit to succeed in any harsh environment they find themselves, I believe that the future and pride of every nation is its youth, so empowering them and getting them ready for all the challenges ahead is the right step that will give the elderly people peace of mind. Many of us today are creative and want to explore Nigeria’s available resources in the agricultural field but don’t know how to get to the appropriate quarters where help can be found. And also the country will be a better place if creative ideas like greener pasture initiative is supported by government and well meaning Nigerians not a country where creative ideas like this one is swept under the carpet. Let the youths be involved in the making of policies that directly affects them. Government and other private sectors should sponsor youth related programs like this one, create a conducive environment for the youths to harness their talents, youths should be encouraged to change the mentality of certificate acquisition without proportional result to show that they have actually learned something new in the process of schooling. Agriculture should not be a last alternative but it should be encouraged as part of mans quest for survival. Sponsoring youth oriented programs like “COPRPORATE FARMER REALITY TV SHOW”. Which is to be shown on all national television channels should be a welcomed initiative by government and corporate bodies, the 2 major factors of productions (land and capital) should be made available to youths who want to have a career in agriculture. Government should give out loans to youths who are ready to farm, and appropriate bodies should be put in place to monitor these loans. Foreign investors should also be encouraged to invest in the agricultural sector, not just oil and gas where they will make sharp sharp profit, not all vacant government portions of land should be used for building recreational places and offices some should be used for industrial farming. Government and other private agencies should sponsor our yearly youth seminar known as “ONE NEW GRADUATE ONE NEW EMPLOYER”. This seminar intends to teach fresh graduates that they should be employers not job seekers.Also our Radio programmeA youth inspiring Youths Radio programA radio programme that intends to teach the youths how they can start their own smale scale farming instead of journeying the streets looking for jobs. THE BRAIN BEHIND THE GREENER PASTURES INITIAVE. (GAIUS CHIBUEZE) A s an average Nigerian child I was born into a family where life was not palatable as it was supposed to be, I started fending for my self at a very tender age where I had to do house help job for many people just to see myself through primary and secondary school. But I was very optimistic that one day I will create not just a silver spoon but a golden spoon for my self and kids yet unborn. I am from Enugu south local government area of Enugu state Nigeria, though born and raised in a local farming community “Agbokim waterfalls” in Etung local government area of Cross River state where I developed my love for industrialized farming (crops and animal). In 2012 I graduated from Cross River State College of Education where I obtained an N.C.E in Business Education presently residing in the F.C.T. Today I can say “am alive, am a winner, am not a failure, am inspired”. A young man of 23 that doesn’t believe in the word impossibility ,an inspirational writer, and to the glory of my God “Jehovah” a source of inspiration to many youths. I have excelled in micro business management and seeing my own small business idea” BUSY BRAIN & ASSOCIATES” employing B.s.c graduates is my utmost dream. As a child growing up without parental care wasn’t easy many people inspired me and thousands discouraged me but God always gave me a reason to press on. Today I can say again that “I am alive, am a winner, am not a failure, am inspired”. As a positive thinker I don’t support criticizing the government of the day but I believe the youths can assist the government by been creative “to be civilized you don’t need to be educated”. Many years of personal research has proven to me that the Nigerian problem is because many youths don’t want to exploit so many opportunities created on daily basis by God and the government this is why the country seem to be stagnant. What I see every day is an opportunity and I am never tired of trying new ideas even if things don’t seem to work as I wished that doesn’t mean I have failed. Age should never be an excuse for failure “what an old man sees seating, a child can also see seating on the same position”. So my fellow youths get up and let’s build a Nigeria of our dream. Greener pasture initiative is one of my numerous busy brain initiatives’ to liberate the youths from yesterday’s darkness to face today’s light and a promising brighter future is sure. Support it. REBROADCAST THIS MESSAGE. For sponsorship,support,membership; Email-gaiuschibueze@yahoo. Facebook; Gaius Chibueze Tel:07066997274;. NIGERIA, GREAT PEOPLE, GREEN NATION. Sep 12
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 10:07:13 +0000

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