Galaxies form clusters, and superclusters, which again form - TopicsExpress


Galaxies form clusters, and superclusters, which again form something we today just call large-scale-structures[1] A correlation between the alignment of quasars, which contains super massive black holes, and the large scale structures they are apart of, has been found.[2] From science to philosophy/speculation. At a large scale the structure of the universe has a pattern, a structure, that at least to me reminds me of a synaptic map[3]. It doesnt particularly surprise me as everything in nature seems to follow a set of patterns. But from this i speculate that since the universe flows in a pattern reminiscent of brain activity, and given that brains are capable of intelligence and thought, then maybe the universe also is. Maybe the universe is indeed observing itself through life. From the macro-cosmos onto the micro cosmos, from the micro to the macro. Or as the alchemists put it: As above, so below. As a sidenote for programmers. Could you call this a recursive function of pattern-recognition? 1: 2: 3: nevillesanjana/images/neuron-synapsin-map2.png
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:03:16 +0000

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