Gather round kids....I am about to grab your attention and Im - TopicsExpress


Gather round kids....I am about to grab your attention and Im going to hold onto it for awhile...This story is too good,not to share it with my loved ones and of course YOU know that means YOU.. Way back when I was a very young girl,I started a bucket list,only I just called it MY LIVING LIST.Things I wanted to do while I was alive.Most of em you cant do when youre dead,anyway...Those of you who dont know my situation,well....God has chosen to use me in many ways.To testify for Him,to be faithful and true to Him.To make me a strong willed person who can hopefully help someone or to make them smile,and to see the good in every situation,and I try to do this everyday..I have a little light inside me,that God put there.What little light I got LORD,Im gonna let it shine.As a child,I was afflicted with various diseases and was sickly most of my life.One was Polio and now not too many people even know what that is.because a cure was found by Dr.Salk and Dr.Sabin.Others include,3 types of measles including German,Whooping Cough,Mumps,Chicken Pox 2 Times.....Mental Illness,Ovarian Cancer,Breast Cancer,Degenerative Bone disease and the true medical mystery...Hydracephalus at the age of 45 years old.This is commonly known as Water Head Baby Syndrome..Did you see the word Baby?Too late to make a long story short,but everything that has happened to me....happened for a reason.Its just that the medical profession hasnt figured out that reason Ive been basically a test subject for many different ailments.I was born dirt poor and throughout life,I never had much of anything,but I was never envious of those who did.If I only had 1 of anything and somebody in need needed what I had,Id give it to them.Im on a boatload of meds,and 8 months ago,I was told I had about 6 months to live,with all the unexplained mysteries that have taken their toll on my body.So now I have lived 2 months longer than I should have,and what can I say? Im lovin that..I have been put in a medical coma 9 times in the last 2 months because of the pain......I have many people who go above and beyond to help me and Im so grateful. This includes several churches and their congregations,different organizations and assisstance programs..Behind my back,people say That POOR POOR WOMAN Shes lived the roughest of a life.......Wait!!!!! All is good here...I am so rich in the many blessings that happen to me every day.I am the mother of 2 beautiful daughtersChristi HeltonAmy Chaney,and Diane McNeil.My grandchildren (Blood related) and those who just need a granndma,,,,,,,,,They think Im awesome!!!!This morning,I did another of the things on my LIVING LIst I went up in a small c10 airplane....12,000 feet high....and stood in the door way preparing to jump,while holding my instructors hand....The door was open and he said Are you ready? I said yep......then I said No wait a minute? Again he said,,take a deep breath,,,are you ready now? Uh-huh I said and as we neared the doorway again,I said NOPE wait!!!! Then he said,WOULD it be better to put your arms around my neck,instead of holding my hand? I said well I cant standup straight enough to reach up around your neck So he bent down and I wrapped my arms around his neck,and he swooped me up in his arms,and I thought he was going to throw me out!!!!! I screamed bloody murder,shut my eyes and screamed,,,Ill forfeit the 137.00 dollars....Im too scared to jump and he laughed and said...TOO LATE Were out of the plane....Now loosen your grip so I can pull our parachute cords.......No way was I going to loosen anything.....eyes still shut and screaming.I felt a movement between my breasts where I had his head in a death grip....and then I felt this tremendous jolt and just knew he had thrown me down.......but his head was still in my arms.....I said Im scared.I cant dont this.....and then I landed on top of him on one of those huge mattress thingys that they use to rescue people from burning buidings...and he said You just did it!!!!! and I opened my eyes and screamed some more....This time I was screaming...THANK YOU JESUS for showing me I could do this....and now I continue down my short pathway of life...some more......No matter what......whatever happens.....good or bad just believe and say to yourself...I CAN DO THIS and YOU will...Thank you Jesus for my amazing life,my family,my friends,and all of YOU I[m a pro if YOU need a hand to hold......Im holding mine out for YOU May God Bless You always and may you have a very happy ever after....I LOVE YOU
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:43:34 +0000

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