Gaza Most of the media and politicians continue to offer all - TopicsExpress


Gaza Most of the media and politicians continue to offer all the propaganda points that don’t stand up to scrutiny. The only side that is been destroyed is Palestine and the only people being slaughtered are the Palestinians. We are witnessing the destruction of Palestine! In Gaza and the West Bank what we are seeing is an attempt to ethnically cleanse Palestine. It was Israel who broke the cease fire of 2012 and continue to kill Palestinians. The current cease fire offered by the Egyptians and Israeli is an option between being blown to bits now or dying slowly by the hands of the executioners with the international community turning a blind eye. Enough Palestinians are been blown apart for the insanity of Israeli. Enough lecturing Palestinians and framing their resistance as an act of terrorism, the same was said about Nelson Mandela. The Western governments who describe Hamas as a terrorist organisation are the same western governments who support and arm far more dangers extremist Muslim fundamentalist organisations in places like Syria, what hypocrisy. Palestine is been destroyed and people are saying its Israel that is in danger, can it become more distasteful than that? Why does Israel not stop the killing why do they have to slaughter women, children, bomb hospitals an act that in itself constitute a war crime. What we see, is a violation of International Humanitarian Law, it is a war crime to deprive people under occupation of their basic needs. Why is it always the dispossess and the oppress that has to prove they are ‘good behaviours’ to the ghetto masters? Why is it that the Palestinians are asked to stop firing rocket but Israeli not asked to stop its bombing from the sky, land and sea? Stop the incitement that Palestinians are terrorist it is the kind of talk that justify and leads to Israeli’s blood thirst, slaughter and dehumanisation of the Palestinian people.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:38:06 +0000

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