General Aliyu Mohammed Gusau, Are You the Boko Haram Sponsor Azazi - TopicsExpress


General Aliyu Mohammed Gusau, Are You the Boko Haram Sponsor Azazi Inferred? Former Nigeria’s National Security Adviser boldly and surprisingly made the admission that Aliyu Mohammed Gusau, Ibrahim Babangida(IBB) or possibly Atiku Abubakar’s presidential ambition was behind the sponsoring of Boko Haram. Shortly after daring to give the truth to the Nigerian people, General Azazi was not only fired from his position, but killed when his helicopter was exploded over Bayelsa. General Azazi obviously had the office and capacity to know the real details behind Boko Haram. His position as the Nations Security Adviser, put him at the head of that information. If anyone should know who and what is behind Boko Haram, it would be someone who occupies that office. Facial reaction as Azazi lays it bare The current President, Goodluck Jonathan has on several occasions admitted that they knew who was behind Boko Haram, and these were top level officials. Gen. Azazi explicitly declared to his audience who was behind the unrest. He narrowed it down to the result of ‘unconstitutional’ PDP convention regulations, which determined who could run for President, vs who could not run. Boko Haram’s “Sudden” Sophistication Implies Powerful Sponsors — Azazi Gen. Azazi (RIP) did not my mince words. Almost as though he had determined and was willing to die for Nigeria, by establishing the truth against all odds, he even further revised the theoretically commonly presented factors behind Boko Haram terror, to include, not only the usual, ‘poverty,’ and ‘religion,’ but also the ‘die-hard-to-be-president,’ factor. He said: The extent of violence did not increase in Nigeria until there was a declaration by the current president that he was going to contest. PDP got it wrong from the beginning, from the on-set by saying Mr A can rule, Mr A cannot rule, Mr B can rule, Mr B cannot rule, according to PDP’s convention, rules and regulation and not according to the constitution {applause} and that created the climate for what has manifest itself, this way. I believe that there is some element of politicization. is it possible that somebody was thinking that only Mr. A could win, and if he did not win, there will be problems in this society. Let’s examine all these issues to see whether the level of violence in the North East just escalated because Boko Haram suddenly became better trained, better equipped and better funded, and in any case how did they get it all done…{warning of Boko Haram becoming snipers – who could potentially target elite} But, then I must also be quick to point out that today, even if all the leaders that we know in Boko Haram are arrested, I don’t think the problem would end, because there are tentacles. I don’t think that people would be satisfied, because the situations that created the problems are not just about the religion, poverty or the desire to rule Nigeria. I think it’s a combination of everything. Except you address all those things comprehensively, it would not work” — It is very difficult to acquire terrorist capacity, the skills, the arms, the confidence. These things are extremely complex. Azazi a General and NSA, knows what it takes to get the skills, tools, funding, immunity and mindset that Boko Haram suddenly got after Goodluck Jonathan was sworn in. You have to be supported by a top level, wealthy, untouchable, experienced-with military experience, intelligence master and die hard to be president, to decide to arm and equip and protect Boko Haram to develop into such a meaningful, complex threat. It also clearly explains why Boko Haram unlike any terrorist organization in history, is so illusive and never presents any clear meaningful goal or ambition. Their message is being delivered to the president. The rest they do, to amp. their reputation, satisfying their love for blood while high on heroin. It also explains why, according to security agents on the field, apprehended members, even with “knife to throat,” admit they have a sponsor, but say, if they mention his name, “the country will scatter.” For his admissions, Gen. Andrew Azazi was fired and got blown up in the sky. The Kaduna state governor, Yakowa, was ‘unfortunately,’ at the last minute, invited by Azazi to fly with him, to conclude a conversation they were engaged in, and so he got caught in the ‘assassination.’ Azazi’s copter NN07, was said to have crashed in the bushes of Okoroba on December 15, 2012, due to “human and material failure,” according to the release by the Nigerian Navy Accident Investigation Board (AIB). Whatever “human and material failure,” means, is left to the imagination. It evidently means,- “assassination,” – “humans” planting explosive “material.” Witnesses said the chopper burst into flames before crashing into the creeks with its victims. The navy had dismissed “engine problems.” This clearly points to an explosion.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 14:39:08 +0000

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