Genes Speak Our Language! #LiftingTheVeil Garjajev’s findings - TopicsExpress


Genes Speak Our Language! #LiftingTheVeil Garjajev’s findings go far beyond Popp’s: According to Garjajev’s studies, DNA is not only the transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic radiation (in the form of energy), but it also absorbs information contained in the radiation and interprets it further. Thus, DNA is an extremely complex interactive optical biochip. In our book Vernetzte Intelligenz (Cross-Linked Intelligence) we wrote the following on this subject: “For example, today we speak almost matter-of-factly about the “genetic code,” that is, about a systematic codification of information. However, genetics to date has gotten stuck at this point, and has relied exclusively on chemistry to finish the work, without even once calling in language experts. “In Moscow, things are different. There, the genetic code was…additionally subjected to thorough examination by linguists. (Linguistics is the science of the structure and formation of languages). When studying a language, people investigate regularities such as syntax (rules for building words from letters), semantics (the study of the content meaning of words), and rules of grammar. “When this scientific knowledge is applied to the genetic code, it can be seen that this code follows the same rules as our human languages. “It should be noted: not the rules of a particular language (in this case, for example, the Russian language), but rather rules at a fundamental level where common features reside among all existing languages of mankind. Thus, the structure of the genetic code can be connected with every existing human language. “Scientists have been seeking the ancestral human language for centuries – Piotr Garjajev and his colleagues may have found it.” rexresearch/gajarev/gajarev.htm
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:01:40 +0000

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