Genesis 3.1; Serpent most subtle “Now the serpent was - TopicsExpress


Genesis 3.1; Serpent most subtle “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? ” This is the realm, sphere of revelation, G-d’s communication, these people who thought they understood G-d’s purpose for man on this earth they had gone astray, they didn’t know G-d’s purpose. There was a jinn among them leading them, the angels so the angels were not responsible for themselves, the jinn was their leader. The jinn he refused to accept Allah’s plan for man but the angels when they understood, when G-d showed them themselves and they understood their limitation and that they shouldn’t question G-d their nature was to obey G-d so they did and that is when the trouble started for man. This is the jinn who had become the rebel is not shaytan, the devil and now he is going to set out to defeat man in his purpose that G-d assigned. If you believe that then you should believe that this world has been constructed against your good future, that is what it is saying. That is not me saying it, that is G-d saying that and the same thing is told in the Genesis in the Christian Bible how the serpent came up and blocked the way and led the man and the woman to fall from their high place that G-d had given them in the garden. So don’t take this lightly this is very serious, the world has been constructed against your good nature and your good future. I’m perhaps the only person who could tell you the, nobody else will tell people this, the devil thinks he right, he never thought he was wrong and the devil doesn’t realize that he is talking to G-d and G-d talks to him. The devil never heard G-d say, “This is what you have done you are cast out.” The devil never heard that only man hears that, the devil never hears anything from G-d except what he wants to hear. So he continues on thinning he’s innocent and under his rule, they do not know they are under satan’s rule they think they are under the rule of their great wisdom. Under satan’s rule the inciteful ones the real scientists among them who have kept up with what has happened from Abraham, Moses all the way down to know they have kept up with everything that has happened in man’s world. Quran 7.22; satan deceived Adam So by deceit he brought about their fall: when they tasted of the tree their shame became manifest to them and they began to sew together the leaves of the garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you that satan was an avowed enemy unto you? Every important event they kept up with it Allah swt tells us in the Quran He gave Adam the ability to name things, but Adam was deceived by satan and we’re not told what happened by he was deceived and until he corrected himself what was he doing? Shaytan’s biddings. Shaytan came to him to use him as an instrument to carry out shaytan’s wishes for man’s life, for the world. Adam who is a man of the earth, it means he is a rational man and he is a scientific thinker and he is a cultivator of the world, but shaytan got him. If shaytan got the developers he still has them. The Adam who repented he was a spiritual man, he left the world of material excitement, he took the road of spirituality, so who is left? The Adam who shaytan got and he has his language everywhere, it is in all of the sciences, but they are not all right. Allah swt says there is a party of the jinn who heard the recital of the Quran and they marveled over it and said it is a wonderful recital, they praised it the jinn, this is in the Quran saying, neither man nor jinn should find any fault with this. So they are not all the same, science and industry, science and technology they are not all the same, some care nothing for religion but there are others who reverence G-d and care a lot for religion and they are the ones who want to see the two come together and their language is everywhere. Language that tells me clearly that they know more about the sciences of Scripture the real light of Quran and the Bible than these preaches you find in each churches, they are the dumb ones they know nothing. The average preacher is nobody but a dumb man carrying something he knows nothing about, I am telling you the truth. They gloat over some little interpretation, some little light they have, they hold it tight and keep it secret. Catholics are waking up now to the influences of the shaytan If you have a secret work it in your neighborhood black preacher show what you can do if for the fifth what the white man can do in his neighborhood if you really have something. I say the same thing for the white preacher in his church, they do not have anything, if they did they would have influence more than they had. Who was able to succeed in this world materially? The Catholics shrouded in mystery, they just moved right into the material business and got a big hold in it and have their people in all areas of business. And the shaytan wants to defeat the Catholics so they have been influencing the Catholics and the Catholics are waking up now to the influences of the shaytan among them saying, “The things we have been doing did not come from G-d it came from the satan.” Now they’re trying to battle with their own religion to bring their religion more in accord with reality for the human world. Imam W Deen Mohammed
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:34:23 +0000

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