Genuine Islam in a nut-shell Following Judaism and Christianity, - TopicsExpress


Genuine Islam in a nut-shell Following Judaism and Christianity, Islam was proclaimed by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Alehi Wasallam; SAWW) in his tribal family gathering called “Da’awat-e-Zul Asheera” hosted by prophet and arranged by his cousin Hazrat Ali (A.S.) in which the prophet introduced Islam and asked that “whosoever assists me today in this matter, will be my successor and caliph” but no body responded except his cousin, Hazrat Ali (A.S.). Others denied him and turned away. This invitation was repeated twice again but each time Hazrat Ali (A.S.) was the only person who responded positively to the prophet’s call that makes him the authentic successor and caliph as per the prophet’s very initial announcement. Secondly, the following quotations further validate the Caliphate of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) and closeness of him to the prophet: a) While returning from his last Hajj, the prophet made an eloquent and historical announcement as per the divine order brought by Hazrat Jibreel at the cross-road of Ghadeer-e-Khum that “Man kunto Maulaho FaAliun Maula”, i.e., “whosoever I am the leader of, Ali is the leader of them after me”. And the aayet also said, ”Alyaum ekmalto lakum deenakum wa atmamto alaikum ne’mati” Surah Mayeda 5:03, Allah says, “today I have completed your deen and completed my blessings on you”. Allah also said, “Ya Ayyoharrasool ma unzela elaika mirrabbeka wa illum taf’al fama ballaghta resalatah”, means O’Rasool, you did not perform the messenger’s duties if you did not deliver this message” Surah Mayeda 5:67. Those who deny this divine proclamation made by the prophet shall have the same fate as that Harris bin Noman (69:44-49). b) And also said, “Mun kunto Ana Nabiyahu Fa Aliun Amirohu” Those I am Nabi of, Ali (A.S.) is Amir of them. c) Numerous other narrations from the prophet to Imam Ali (A.S.) stipulate: “Anta Akhi wa Wasii wa Waresi, Lahmoka min Lahmi wa damoka min dami wa silmoka silmi wa harboka harbi wal Imano mokhaletun lahmaka wa damaka kama khalata lahmi wa dami wa anta ghadan alal hauze khalifati wa Shi’atoka ala manabera min noorin, mubyazzatan wojoohohum hauli fil jannateh, wa hum jeerani”, i.e., Ya Ali (A.S.), you are you are my brother, deputy and successor, your flesh is my flesh, your blood is my blood, your treaty is my treaty, your battle is my battle, and Iman (true belief) is admixed in your flesh and blood as that is in my flesh and blood and tomorrow (on the day of judgement), you will be my khalifa and representative at “Kausar”, and your Shias with their shining faces will be on the pulpit of light around me and they will be my neighbor in paradise. d) Allah (Subhanahu wa Tala, SWT) says: “Inni Ja’elun fil Arz Khalifa”, ?28:68’ 2:124, i.e., I make Khalifa on earth leaving NO right for people to make a Khalifa as it is not a worldly election. Whereas, the Muslims left the dead body of the prophet for Hazrat Ali (A.S, along with a very few of his family members and companions to cremate) and gathered at “Saqeefah” to elect a caliph. This election was illegitimate and against the aforesaid divine decree and the prophet’s clear announcement at Ghadeer. The Muslims should have courage to correct their long-standing error and should not void their Islam by adamantly denying Imam Ali (A.S.) as the only genuine and authentic successor of the prophet. These clear-cut divinely ordered announcements made by the prophet leave no room for any doubts and all Muslims should unite on this platform and accept the succession and Caliphate of Imam Ali (A.S.) disowning other caliphates. Moreover, besides being cousins, both of them originate from the same “noor”, and the prophet said, “Ana wa Aliun min shajaratin Wahedatin wa sayerunnas min Shajarin shatta”, i.e., I and Ali are from one tree (lineage) and others are from other scattered trees. He also said, “Ana Madinatul Ilm wa Aliun Baboha”, i.e., I am the city of knowledge and Ali (A.S.) is its gate. Zulfiqar descended for Hazrat Ali (A.S.) in the battle of Uhud. He was designated as Kull-e-Iman when Amr-ibn-Abdawad challenged the prophet in the battle of trench, despite the presence of a number of sahaba, this was only Hazrat Ali (A.S.) who stood up. The prophet put Imamah and armour (zerah) with his own hands on Hazrat Ali (A.S.) and said, “today, kull-e-Iman is going against kull-e-kufr”. He went to confront this strongest enemy and killed him in just one attack (zarb) splitting him in to two halves. Then the prophet said, ”Zarbato Ali Yaumul khandaq afzalo min ebadatuth thaqalain ela yaumal qiyamah” i.e., the attack of Ali (A.S.) on the day of Khandaq is better than the prayers of thaqalain till the day of jusgement. All these quotations strengthen the unparalleled affiliation of the prophet to his cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali (A.S.) delineating the authenticity of Imam Ali as the only successor of the prophet Muhammad (S.W.W.). This was the prophet’s uncle, Hazrat Abu Talib (A.S.) who was on Shariat-e-Ibrahimi and (with the help of Allah) protected the prophet from infidels of Quraish and raised him along with his own son, Hazrat Ali (A.S.). Islam owes to Hazrat Abu Talib for raising and protecting the prophet and his mission of propagation of Islam. Islam also owes to Bibi Khadijah (Salwatullah Alaiha, S.A.) for dedicating her enormous amount of wealth for the cause of Islam and for sustenance of Muslim Ummah, this was her money that Muslims and Islam thrived on. But, nonetheless, after prophet’s death, her daughter was denied of the ownership of the Fedak garden by the so-called first Khalifa. It was Bibi Fatimah’s (S.A.) personal property given to her by her father but it was forfeited and usurped by the caliph. In Quran, Allah says O’Prophet say to your people: “Qul La asalokum alaihe ajran illal muwaddatah fil qurba”, Surah Shora 42:23, i.e., I don’t want any return (for delivering Islam to you) except that you love my family members. Unfortunately, a few days after the sad demise of the prophet, Muslims came to prophet’s daughter- Bibi Fatimah’s (SA) door under the instigation of Umar-ibne-Khattab searching for Hazrat Ali (A.S.) to forcibly get his allegiance to the illegitimately elected first caliph. They burnt the door of the prophet’s daughter and pushed that on to her causing miscarriage of her son-Hazrat Mohsin, and this consequently led to her death within several days of the prophet’s death. Was this “ajr-e-resalat” that his so-called ummah gave to his family in the face of the ayah : “ Qul La asalakum ajran illal muwaddatal fil qurba”. Wasn’t this the same door on which, after the Aayet Tathir descended, prophet used to come every morning for about six months before Fajr prayer and used to say, “Assalamo Alakum Ya Ahlul Bayt-e-Nabuwwah”? The star descended on this door and even Jibreel used to seek permission before entering this door (Hadees-e-Kisa). Rasoolullah says: “Fatimato bizato minni ….” Fatimah is part of my liver, those who hurt her, in fact hurt me, and those who hurt me, have hurt Allah. No body will enter the heaven without the intercession (shafa’at) of Rasoolullah on the day of judgement. Will Rasoolullah intercede for those who have killed her infallible daughter, fought against his cousin Hazrat Ali (including ‘battle of Camel’), killed Imam Hasan and Imam Husain (A.S.)? They were his most beloved grandsons whom the prophet used to put on his shoulders, used to let them be on his back as long as they wished while leading congregational prayer (as per Jibraeel’s message from Allah). Whereas, Imam Husain (A.S.) was tortured and was brutally killed thirsty for over 3 days along with his companions, family members, youngsters and children including an infant as young as 6 months old (Hazrat Ali Asghar A.S.). This was the biggest and the most heinous tragedy committed on earth by the so-called heinous caliph of the time, Yazeed (La’natullah alaih). This brutality continued all through the prophet’s lineage till today. O’ Muslim brothers, if you claim to follow Sunnah, Nauzobillah, was burning the door of his daughter a sunna? Was torturing and killing his infallible daughter his Sunna, was killing his infallible grandsons his Sunna? All these questions clearly prompt to rectify the long-standing blunders and unite on divinely proclaimed Caliphate of Hazrat Ali (A.S.).
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 06:28:00 +0000

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