George Kavassilas on 12 strands DNA (Our Universal Journey page - TopicsExpress


George Kavassilas on 12 strands DNA (Our Universal Journey page 130) This cosmic chakra programs is how this god entity is baiting people. The complete cosmic chakra software program comprising 12 chakras matched up an energetic vortex with each of the replicated 12 DNA strands. It is designed to re-activate people into that old “godly” like state of being. We have already had twelve stands and ventured down the path of compression so that we may birth anew. It was known through Universal Lore that we would be relinquishing our original organic 12 strands as we embarked on this journey into compression. This god entity is trying to manipulate that lost memory of 12 strands and coerce people into reactivating them and return to that “godly” way of being; hence, the replicated 12 strands. This is going BACKWARDS. It is not birthing a new way of life but simply aimed at recycling you back into the cosmic arena and is an attempt to simulating an enslaved version of what we once were in the early state of this road to compression. This god entity has done such a great job of wiping out knowledge of the past and creating such a negative, dark and undesirable existence here that people’s yearning and arching for something better is turning into desperation which clouds the power of discernment. People are flocking to these programs like a child takes candy. BEWARE OF THE COSMIC CANDY!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:25:09 +0000

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