Germany to date has paid 91 billion to the holohoax survivors..if - TopicsExpress


Germany to date has paid 91 billion to the holohoax survivors..if you were jewish and in any country that the german wermacht went through including Africa you qualify no matter if you were in a camp or not....not in this article but they are trying to push legislation that will also give their grandchildren money the end of the war all camps were of said to have gas chambers but within a few years all of them were taken out of the equasion but the camps in Poland which were under the iron curtain or communism were never ruled 1988 fred leutcher went and scrapped all the walls in all of the so called gas chambers in Poland(fred was Americas top manufacturer for building Americas death row gas chambers in prisons)and he scrapped the walls of the chambers which deloused mattresses and the readings only the chambers which did clothing had zyklon b in high amounts..the gas chambers had none.the polish government then did a follow up on freds findings and got the same..aushwitz plaque use to read 4 million now its been revised to 1 million..when you watch the videos of the british officer pushing those bodies into the pit with the bulldozer they died from typhus outbreak..the british sent their scientists in after liberation and determined that..if you ever watch Alfred hitchkocks movie on the holocaust that is explained...if you have any questions on the holocaust feel free to add your questions
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 01:15:52 +0000

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