Gerry and Kate McCann: May 3rd 2007; as they had done on previous - TopicsExpress


Gerry and Kate McCann: May 3rd 2007; as they had done on previous nights on their holiday to Portugal, Kate and Gerry McCann are sat eating Tapas and drinking wine with friends whilst their 3 year old daughter Madeleine, and their two twins age 2, are asleep in their holiday apartment barely visible from where they are sat. Although some checks were said to be made during the night, it is hardly acceptable behaviour to leave 3 children under the age of 4 unsupervised. Gerry McCann states however that they acted within the bounds of responsible parenting Fast forward to 10pm that evening, and Kate McCann comes rushing out of the apartment claiming 2 or more persons have taken Madeleine; theyve taken her, theyve taken her What follows for the next 7 years proves Gerry and Kate McCann are amongst an elite set of disgraceful people. Despite trying to convince others they were certain an abduction had taken place it took 40 minutes for the authorities to be alerted, now youd expect any doting parents to ring the authorities immediately, but not Gerry or Kate. It was the hotel that finally got wind of her disappearance and rang the police. Perhaps Kate and Gerry were too busy searching for her you might think.......wrong, in fact despite scores of volunteers and police out all night scouring the streets, wasteland, alleyways etc. neither parent searched for their daughter, Gerry took a trip to the beach at 3am and was out for approximately an hour, but neither parent actively searched. What they did instead was to fabricate an abduction story. Both Kate and Gerry made a series of phone calls that night and into the early hours telling family and friends that an abductor had smashed broken the shutters on a window and taken their daughter. They knew this to be a total lie, as there were no signs whatsoever of a forced entry. By 8am the following morning this story was in the British media, the McCanns friend appearing on GMTV peddling the same lie. Days later the McCanns set up a company that people could donate to. This company has made millions, and the money has been used for, amongst other things, paying the McCanns mortgage, and hiring expensive lawyers to silence those that report anything the McCanns do not like. Money continues to pour into this fund despite the grand sum of ZERO pounds currently being spent on the search for Madeleine. Gerry McCann was reported to have challenged the Portuguese by giving this chilling statement; find the body and prove we killed her Two specialist British police dogs were brought over as part of the investigation, one (Keela) alerts to human blood, the other (Eddie) alerts to human cadaver (the scent only given off by a human corpse) Out of several apartments checked the ONLY one the dogs alerted in was apartment 5a, the McCanns apartment. Cadaver was located behind the sofa, inside the McCanns wardrobe, on KATE McCANNs clothes, Madeleine McCanns clothes, on Madeleines favourite toy (despite Kate washing it) and in the flower bed directly outside the apartment. Blood was detected in most of these areas as well, despite a massive clean up of the apartment before the dogs arrival. The most disturbing find by the dogs is yet to come however, both dogs alerted to blood and cadaver in the car the McCanns hired 25 days AFTER Madeleines disappearance. Gerry McCanns response? The dogs are unreliable He wouldnt even look at the video footage during interview........LIAR!! Kate McCann refused to answer 48 questions during interview, questions designed to find out what happened on the night of Madeleines disappearance. Even when asked Are you aware that the fact of your not answering the questions put to you jeopardise the investigation that was aimed at finding out what happened to your daughter, she answered: Yes, if the investigation thinks that. A full list of the questions and other evidence is available to read and be discussed at https://facebook/groups/JusticeForMadeleine/ Gerry and Kate have continually lied from the moment little Madeleine disappeared, she was a 3 year old little girl who deserved so much more than being used as a marketing campaign. Everyone in this country owes this little girl one thing, and that is that Kate and Gerry McCann get away with their crimes no more, and are brought to justice, please help us and join the campaign at: https://facebook/groups/JusticeForMadeleine/
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 17:38:12 +0000

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