Get To Know The Chief World Explorer Top 5 - Cody - TopicsExpress


Get To Know The Chief World Explorer Top 5 - Cody Easterbrook bestjobaroundtheworld/submissions/view/13233 1) If you had to put down roots in one place and call it home for the rest of your life, where would it be and why would you choose that location? As a world traveler I’ve become a true citizen of the world. Having enjoyed the nomad life for a number of years, I’ve lived by the motto, “blossom where you are planted.” I know that I could happily put down roots anywhere on this earth and call call it home. However, if I had to choose one location, I would choose Hawaii. Not only is this tiny tropical rock in the middle of the sea, a veritable paradise, but it’s also a melting pot for people and cultures from across the globe. Hawaii forms a collaborative intercultural community that works together to share the spirit of aloha and love internationally. For me, the true beauty of Hawaii is that I continually meet unique individuals from every walk of life as we welcome people from all over the world. Even when I’m not traveling afar, I’m still learning from the diversity that surrounds me. 2) Describe an experience in your life that defined or solidified your passion for travel and voluntourism Someone once expressed that travel keeps you humble because it shows you what a small part you occupy in the world. I found this to be true. When I was 19 years old, after saving my money for years, I left home alone to live abroad for the very first time. I was warmly welcomed by the humble and loving people in the heart of South America. Over the next two years in Bolivia, I was humbled through life-changing experiences that taught me new world perspectives. As a full-time volunteer I helped build homes in the amazon jungle for deserving families. I cared for the elderly and orphaned, I taught weekly english classes and I distributed eyeglasses to many who had never before seen clearly. Ironically, my eyes were the ones that were opened! I was forever changed. I was touched by the humble people. My travels there left an indelible mark on my memory and my soul. That first cultural exchange set the stage for a life of globetrotting for me. I decided the journey could never stop, not when there was so much to see, to experience, and to learn from. I concluded that similar eye-opening experiences were waiting for me all around the world. I haven’t been able to sit still ever since! 3) How has technology changed how we travel and how will you use it on your worldwide adventures as Chief World Explorer? I’ll never forget the looks on their faces. Their eyes were wide with fascination and their genuine laughter was contagious! This small gathering of village children, on a tiny atoll of the Marshall islands, were watching in amazement as I showed them the footage I had just taken of them. This was perhaps the first time they had ever seen themselves on video. Today’s devices, like my handheld camera, are creating some magical travel moments and not just for the traveler. Thanks to modern innovations and social media, the world is more connected than ever before. I have a dream of connecting with like-minded travelers and kindred spirits all along the journey. Thanks to the world-wide web we can more easily connect while on a world-wide adventure. That’s the beauty of Jauntatoo! As Chief World Explorer I plan on teaming up with our fellow Jauntaristas around the globe allowing them to show us around their own backyard. The local insight and adventures will be unparalleled for both the locals and the travelers. Today’s technology is not only connecting us but it’s also helping us to better share the travel experience. I began documenting my travels some years ago through photo essays, blog entries and webisodes. There were moments in my travels that words alone couldn’t express. I wanted to share these moments with those I loved. Thanks to technology, hundreds of friends, family, and followers could experience such moments like, a zip-lining adventure from the Great Wall of China, caring for Tigers in Thailand, even peer into the Incan maze of Machu Piccu. Beyond the iconic travel adventures and breathtaking sights you’d expect to see, I will use technology and social media to also share the poignant travel moments that will touch your heart and bring inspiration from unlikely places. Seeing the humble Uros people of Lake Titicaca thrive off of seemingly nothing, inspires us that we can find happiness with just the basics of life. My use of innovative technology will connect and instantly share the ultimate travel experience and will compel any viewer to start packing their bags! 4) What characteristics, attributes or personality traits make you the most qualified applicant to be Jauntaroos Chief World Explorer? I believe I have the passion, personality, drive, and the experience required to excel as Jauntaroos Chief World Explorer position. I know all that I’ve experienced in life has prepared me for this very moment. I earned my degree in International Cultural Studies. I am multilingual. I’m innately curious and have a genuine interest in learning from and truly appreciating other cultures. I possess the rare ability to see the world from the eyes of the people, a view which travelers long for. I constantly strive to understand their narratives and it’s my desire to share their stories, as opposed to sharing mere stories about ‘others.’ As a teacher, I have a love for knowledge and an ability to express what I discover in fun and revolutionary ways. As an effective educator, I’m organized, creative, and spontaneous. Being a journalist, I’m able to capture a moment and bring my travels and adventures to life. I have an extensive background in writing, reporting, blogging, and other communications. I have a passion for photography and I’m never shy behind or in-front of a camera. As an entertainer, I constantly captivate and engage audiences. I know how to make life fun! I’m not afraid to dive into the deep blue sea. As an international volunteer, I’ve developed a work ethic that doesn’t quit. I know how to work collaboratively and I possess a willingness to reflect and improve to make the greatest difference. My greatest strength would have to be my people skills. I can make any stranger a friend, by taking time to sit down and authentically talk and listen. My ability to connect with people will be a wonderful asset on my journey around the world. Ive made it my life goal to travel as far and widely as possible, to learn from people, places and cultures wherever I go. I feel everything that I am has prepared me to be Jauntaroo’s Chief World Explorer. 5) Jauntaroo has made a point of raising awareness for voluntourism and travel related causes. Is this something that is legitimately achievable when visiting a destination for such a short period of time? How would you best give back during your Chief World Explorer visits, utilizing the platform, media and technology provided to you? No matter where you go, you always leave your mark. When I visited the Philippines I took the time to play with the street children in the slums of Manila. That experience will always remain a cherished memory for me, as I’m sure it was equally memorable for the adorable children. Decidedly, as the Chief World Explorer representing Jauntaroo, I plan on leaving my mark by taking time to make a difference at each travel destination I explore. They say travel doesnt become an adventure until you leave yourself behind, and the best way is through voluntourism. No matter how long of a stay, there is always time to give back to the community you visit. It can mean the difference between a good vacation and a meaningful, life-changing experience. People don’t take trips, trips take people. It’s the journey that changes you, especially when you take time to serve. I plan to use my unique flare, outgoing persona, and diverse skills to bring awareness to great causes like eco-tourism, sustainability, world mentoring programs, health and well-being projects. Of course, as a teacher I plan on supporting and strengthening education around the globe. Being a people-person, I intend to get to know the community and allow them to share their stories and express their needs. In my webisodes I will highlight the real difference one person can make and encourage travelers to get creative and get involved in any way imaginable. One idea I’ve had is photographing families who’ve never had a cherished family portrait. It’s a small token that goes a long way. Another simple act of service I enjoyed was the cultural exchange of teaching the youth in Thailand how to dance the hula. I know that Jauntaristas will feel inspired and realize that voluntourism benefits everyone involved. Each destination has left an imprint on my memory, and on my soul. Ive taken something with me from each place Ive visited and hopefully left something good behind. I will utilize this platform to get the word out that travel isn’t just about seeing the world, it’s about being a part of it, and there is no better way, than to give back to our world community through service. 6) Jauntaroo is about travel inspiration. What would you do during your travels to not only experience the world, but inspire others to do the same? Beyond mere pictures and videos, I will capture the true vibrance of each destination and people I visit. I will bring the postcards to life with my characteristic zeal, my talent for story telling and my genuine interest in the people that I meet. Part of the reason I have been able to travel as long and far as I have is because of the heartfelt generosity of the people I meet. Instead of coming with itineraries and checking things off a list, I will arrive with a desire to learn from the people. I’ll let the locals tell me where to go and what to do. Following suggestions will take strangers and quickly make them friends. People love being ambassadors of their town, or country. I plan on letting fellow travelers share their homelands to our Jauntaroo community. Jauntaristas will connect with new ideas and experiences that will motivate them on their own journey. My goal is to diverge from the road most traveled to reveal each destinations innate charm that lies far from the fast roads. Through my entertaining, informative and interactive webisodes, I will reveal the hidden beauty that others might overlook. Showcasing the unique travel gems that await, will inspire any traveler to start their own great expedition.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 15:21:34 +0000

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