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Get ready for a journey. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Read our countrys name in binary fashion. S ATE ST TED UNI Now creatively add meaning to each piece. (symbols) ~ ∞ ☼ | O Whoa, it looks like a vibrating string (algorithm; program), a song (infinity) a source of power, and then a wall separating the surface (base) of the power from what the power itself created (computer physics). Wow! IMAGINE THAT. THAT SOUNDS LIKE RENEWABLE ENERGY! WAIT WE ARENT DONE! Since were working with hieroglyphics, when you separate words from symbols, you can then read them in multiple directions. If you begin with O, and create what would be sort of like a magnification of the vibrating string.. OH.. MAGNIFYING GLASS. And.. OH! The universe is the frame, and the sun is the glass itself! That means.. WERE THE SONG! whoa! But wait, if a song exists, doesnt someone have to be playing it? And since were a song, how can we make music? That would be.. A song creating a song, through a glass, inside a frame. That must mean that.. Everything.. EVERYTHING.. we do, say, see, and what not, is simply a form of sound. OH! Thats why the EARth has the word EAR in it. So wait. were all a bunch of ears? If you want to be! What does an EAR do? It is.. very impressionable.. it writes information based on SOUND to the BRAIN. So wait. If the brain is inside, and tells the ears what to do........ This would imply that sound is ALSO coming OUT of the ears as well! And wait a second.. If we are the vibrating STRINGS on the EARTH, and you can only go INTO the earth until you get to the CORE.. This implies that there is also a magnifying glass looking OUTWARD at another magnifying glass! It appears we have two magnifying glasses trying to see eachother, but instead, they are just magnifying eachother. This brings me to the prism, and cancer. Consider cancer. It is basically a cell that becomes negative in a split second, wakes up, and believes it is still positive, and continues to function normally. This is called cancer. Now consider the ice age. Now consider for a moment that we were all immortal before the ice age, but something went horribly wrong on a nuclear level, and the earth has its own emergency re-boot function, which works similarly in the way that water freezes, and thaws. BUT human consciousness dont have that re-boot function, the earth just knows how to re-create humans by moving them like action figures until the action figures are aware of themselves. (respawn). Now back to cancer. If the earth takes full control for the inhabitants that created it, there is a breaking point where control is relieved and transferred automatically back to the users. It would be logical to say that if humans are classified by the earth as a PH balance, (a scale of 1 - 9) with 5 being DONE, and 1 and 9 being either acidic or base (building materials, and glue).. And CANCER lives within ACIDIC environments, this would imply that a 5 has flipped to a 1, and yet believes it is a 5, and we apply the emergency bootup process again, even if one cell stays in that pH 1 state, cancer is formed, and the only way to combat it is to destroy it by overpowering it. It is then concluded that the cell has become aware of itself and the brain has not. Therefore, the cell continuously looks for another just like it, but is seeing only negative cells (or at least believes it is seeing negative cells because they dont function like that one in particular). Now lets talk CELL pH ONE. what PH ONE is, and why it is important. In mummification, egyptians took every major organ in the body, except for the brain, and placed them outside of the now organless body, INSIDE a triangular polygon, and scrambled the brain. Imagine your body without a brain. That is essentially what technology is. A function composed of an infinite number of variables which rapidly expands and multiplies. (Sounds like the flower of life). So then.. we have two opposites.. a 5, and a 10. Well, 1 and 0 are really the only two numbers there are. 2, 3, 4, are symbols used to relate to the use of 1 and 0, and consider 69 to be a magnifying glass revealing 7 and 8 which are the two core properties of 5, which is essentially, a perfect lifeform in terms of pH. 7+8 essentially concludes that a formation is both infinite, and RIGHT side UP, or.. living. This is why I call this the land of the dead. Because they are RIGHT side RIGHT, not RIGHT side UP. Back to the united states of america. Consider that USA is the shape: 69. This would mean that it is a magnifying glass. And consider that every state is either a 7, or 8, with every county being a O, and every person within each county as a 1, a 2, a 3, a 4, or a 5. Now to correct all of these things, we are essentially looking for a 5, and only that ONE 5 can explain everything because that ONE five IS an embodiment of everything. Whereas 4 would be 4/5 3 would be 3/5 2 would be 2/5 and 1 would be 1/5. And 5/5 being chaos, or nature in form, at ION. (where we exist; not what we see: earth). However, humans are rather prideful, and believe that if something seems radical, it is probably evil. Therefore, even if we have found this 5 in the past (in which case, it would simply die, and be born again in another body, and called another name), people dont listen to it because their pride destroys their rationality, and will do anything necessary to prove that they are RIGHT. Which they are. They are.. TOO right. RIGHT SIDE RIGHT. This is cancer. For example, just because my ideas seem insane, or confusing, many people will not believe this and refuse to even attempt to make sense of it. This refusal is waste. And waste is cancer. Comments. :)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:13:19 +0000

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