Gets tired of seeing the GOP speak about Inequality and suggest - TopicsExpress


Gets tired of seeing the GOP speak about Inequality and suggest that Democrats wanting to lower it will lead us some down path to full blown Soviet Communism. Of course this type of bloated rhetoric appeals to the ignorant and uninformed, but it lacks in substance. When we speak about the vast inequality, we point to the fact that a public school teacher now pays a higher percentage of their take home pay than a hedge fund manager, Warren Buffett said it’s a travesty he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. When we speak about vast inequality, we speak about the hundreds of thousands of non- violent drug offenders behind bars, while the Wall Street bankers who helped create the Financial Crisis of 2008 walked away with a small fine and a slap on the wrist. When we speak about the vast inequality, we speak about how the Supreme Court has ruled that money is speech, and how 5 Justices can rational that giving a politician 3 million dollars, will no more sway his political agenda than his neighbor across town licking stamps and folding envelopes. These are just a few examples, and if the GOP is blind to the structural changes going on, well they are blind to reality. Us who advocate for addressing this inequality can see it and aren’t fixated on some social simplistic Darwinistic view. As Warren Buffett said, “There is a class war going on in this country, and my class is winning.”
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 22:38:40 +0000

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