Getting on MY soapbox now! I am so tired of the gay rights - TopicsExpress


Getting on MY soapbox now! I am so tired of the gay rights debate!! Going to church does NOT give you the right to be someones judge!!! How on earth am I walking all over God, because I dont think its my place to pass judgement on another human being, or believe wholeheartedly in their right to the freedom of choice? There was a time when people were not entitled because of their skin color also, so were those legit laws in your opinion? To say you have gay friends, but....means you are NOT their friend!! PERIOD! So you can change that statement to, I know a gay person! Friends and friendship doesnt come with stipulations!! It is honestly, none of my business or yours, how someone else lives. It takes nothing away from my faith or my relationship with God to allow a fellow human the right to live as they see fit, and answer for their own sins, if they are indeed committing a sin. I sin everyday, some days its simply an F bomb that I feel is wrong, because my heart and soul dont feel right when I use that word. You could cuss like a sailor and not think it a sin. My point is, we all sin, some just different than others and you are ultimately responsible only for yourself and how you treat those around you, and the Bible does say, judge not, lest ye be judged. On judgement day, I am accountable for my own actions, words, and deeds, me alone! Judging and condemning another for what I perceive to be a sin, is sinful to me! Let them be who they are, accountable for themselves! God is love to me, and there is NOTHING loving about judging, condemning, and putting a but behind your love, friendship, affection and acceptance!! Let them be!! You are not accountable for them!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 00:01:55 +0000

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