Getting some interesting emails today in response to the idea that - TopicsExpress


Getting some interesting emails today in response to the idea that what has happened with the Sri Lankan boats looks like piracy. After all, if someone takes control of another ship on the high seas and takes all the passengers from that ship on a (false) promise to take them to safety, then continues to hold them but threatens to take them to the place they have escaped: which part of this does not look like piracy? One person says: Please do not say or do anything that is against Australia’s Security or National Interest regarding Boat people because 99.99 % are economic opportunists. Fairfax & ABC must say nothing but the truth or face boycott from Public. [name withheld] My response: Your facts are wrong: over the last 15 years, about 94% of boat people have been assessed by us as refugees entitled to protection. I note that you want Fairfax & the ABC to say nothing but the truth. What about News Ltd? It has misled the public about this issue, in particular by peddling the idea that boat people are criminals. The fact is that they commit no offence by coming here and seeking protection. Calling them “illegal” is a lie, so have a chat to a few politicians and Murdoch journalists about that, before you call for a boycott on Fairfax & the ABC. By the way, what false reports have Fairfax & the ABC made in recent times? Another: What was Abbott supposed to do,Leave these 150 illegal criminals on their leaky old boat to chance their lives on the turbulent seas,or pluck them to safety and leave them on board a custom,s boat where their safety was assured. To accuse the Australian navy of being pirates is absurd,juvenile and what you would expect from a loser,whatever the case Tony Abbott was elected by the Australian people to protect our borders.................and he has delivered. So suck it up you bleeding hearts and remember you tossers lost the election,Abbott won get over it. [name withheld] But one person was very nice about it: It was with pleasure that I saw the headline on the ABC news on the computer this morning. At last someone is using the word piracy – well done! What this coalition Government is doing in the management of refugees beggars belief and certainly trashes Australia’s reputation. It is hard to believe that alleged Christians can behave in this way. Long may you and others keep up the fight and I very much hope that the High Court will hand down the verdict that we all hope for; that is, in favour of the refugees. Congratulations! [name withheld] It is so divisive to suggest that this country should avoid deliberate cruelty to innocent human beings.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:42:02 +0000

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