Ghost and Reincarnation How to get rid of ghost? Start the - TopicsExpress


Ghost and Reincarnation How to get rid of ghost? Start the simplest way - tell him aloud that hes after death (many ghosts dont realize it) and he shouldnt be there anymore. You can support this by an appeal to look into a next room (behind closed door). Then wait a while and tell him that if he was there he had to go through the closed door which proves that he has no physical body anymore. Most of them will understand and leave. If not, other methods need to be applied. First the apartment or the house needs to be thoroughly cleaned. In India they use water with admixed dry broken cowdung which has also antiseptic effect. Remove objects, esp. used ones (e.g. from a jumble shop) and donated around the time when problems started. Look for different suspicious objects being thrown around or buried near your house. They can be related to ghosts or magic. 10.1 Spill seasalt in a thin uninterrupted line along windows and doors and in room corners. 10.2 Place a plate with some coal under the bed. 10.3 Place a glass of water next to the bed, empty it out in the morning. 10.4 Place some sharp iron object, e.g. scissors, into or under the bed with blades pointing toward feet. Silver objects repel ghosts and elementals. Sesame seeds repel ghosts (Garuda Purana 2.2.16, 2.29.7-16). 10.5 Sprinkle the room with holy water and burn sandalwood incense, sage or juniper. Put dog rose into a vase. Its a symbol of Devi. 10.6 Place preferred protective symbols on doors and walls. Every folk and spiritual tradition has some and they can be of varying potency. E.g. 1st reiki symbol. 10.7 Write with clay (best from a holy place, e.g. tilaka) preferred protective symbols, phrases or names of God on windows. 10.8 Keep Bhagavadgita or Bhagavata Purana (Shrimad Bhagavatam) in the room. They radiate pure nonmaterial energy which negative entities cant stand. Also Agni Purana, Garuda Purana and Narada Purana repel ghosts and other negative influences. 10.9 Blow a conchshell, ring a bigger bell. These vibration repel negative entities. 10.10 Play Bhagavadgita for a long time (a form of exorcism). Some of these methods work permanently but others need to be renewed (10.1-3,5,9). Some professional exorcists offer temporary removal of ghosts due to their financial interests. How to help ghost? To get rid of ghost means that he will go elsewhere. We therefore recommend you to help him to leave to higher lokas. It is necessary to find out who he is, why he remained here and lead him away. Therere various methods like prayers, masses, sacrifices or other rituals done on his behalf. His descendants should do it. If they (or someone else) wont do it the ghost will continue to draw attention to himself and according to Garuda Purana 2.20.44 they themselves will also become ghosts. A person who knows that there are ghosts around but does nothing about it, also becomes a sinner by contamination. In his next lives such a person is born poor, diseased, without a living and children. (Garuda Purana 2.20.46) A person thus may spent even many centuries as ghost in case no descendant knows what to do, refuses to do it or the family dies out. One of the simplest is the recitation of Bhagavadgita (only Sanskrit, at least one chapter, recommended are mainly 3., 7. and 8.). Donate the result in your mind to him. Thus he will get a pious credit (Sanskrit: punya) needed to leave. (Its a similar situation like when someone remains on a trip without money and relatives must send him some so he could continue.) Its dealt with in Gita Mahatmya from Padma Purana, ch. 1. (Once I used SB 1.2 instead of BG.) Book distributor Gokula Lila dd met a young Nepalese business teacher who told her at their second meeting: After I met you, my great Grandfather, who Ive never seen nor met came into my dream and told me our family is becoming spiritually deprived, and its your duty to do something about it, read Bhagavad Gita and go once a week to the temple. Upon relaying his dream to his mother he became convinced he had to follow the instruction as the description of his great Grandfather fit him exactly. Protection from ghosts etc. General rules: Keep clean. Dont wear black colored clothes completely. Dont wear clothes and shoes belonging to others. Be careful on the new moon day. Drive carefully. Women shouldnt go out late at night when menstruating since theyre more vulnerable to ghost attack. Dont eat at least two hours before going to sleep. Bathe (best in salty water or using salt instead of soap) before going to sleep and dry your hands and feet well. Simple protections against negative influences in everyday life, e.g. emotional vampires, in hospitals and other places with higher concentration of negative energy: - in your mind create around you a barrier from sunlight and let yourself to be flooded by it - when you speak with a problematic person, cross legs or fingers of your hands Mantra-nyasa: This is a tantric method protecting against all kinds of negative influences as per Haribhaktivilasa 4.238 from Garuda Purana spoken by Narada Muni: grahA na pidanti na rakSasAm ganAh yaksAh pisAcoraga-bhUtadAnavAh lalAta patte khaga gopicandanam santisthate yasya hareh prasAdataH O foremost of birds (Garuda), by the mercy of Sri Hari, a person who puts tilaka on his forehead with gopi-candana becomes relieved from distress caused by the positions of the planets, as well as by Raksasas, Yaksas, Pisacas, serpents, ghosts, or demons. If you dont have tilaka clay (available from Vaishnavas) it can be substituted by pure water. (Where situations forbid it, Prabhupada said that it was not absolutely necessary to wear tilaka, although a devotee should at least put water tilaka on his body in the morning and consecrate his body with the names of Visnu. The simplest way is to remember the holy name of the Lord - Shri Narasimha - and say it. Narasimha mahamantra: om hrim kshraum ugram viram Maha-Vishnum jvalantam sarvatho mukham Nrisimham bhishanam bhadram mrityu-mrityum namamy aham If one cant say it aloud, e.g. while sleep paralysis, its enough to say it in the mind. Its explanation is given in Narasimha tapani Upanishad. You can write it on a paper and hang it in a room or keep it with you. In India people write this or other protective mantras (generic term: kavacha) on a paper roll and place it into a small round amulet (also called kavacha) worn on neck or right hand. Long-term playing of this mantra is a form of exorcism.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 09:00:00 +0000

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