Ginger, Vincent, Mark and Don, here is Chapters 3 and 4. Reason - TopicsExpress


Ginger, Vincent, Mark and Don, here is Chapters 3 and 4. Reason Im putting on two is that chapter 3 is very short. Hope you all enjoy. Chapter 3 Jasper Powell Jasper Powells black, sinewy arms glistened under the hot sun as the muscular, straight- haired Negro rode into a box canyon, searching for Circle L strays, along the foothills of the Estrella Mountains. His brown eyes watered from the stench that permeated the air at the Canyon entrance. Shaking the dust from his bandanna around his neck, he raised it over his wide-flanged nose, hoping to filter the ever growing reek of death as he rode deeper into its mouth. Today, the air was dead between high walls, which amplified the stink. It was so strong it agitated his spotted gelding. The horse twitched beneath him, anxious to flee the area. With a gentle grip on the reins, Jasper stopped short and dismounted as he come upon a flock of buzzards gorging themselves on the remains of two bodies pinned under a huge Sequoia cactus. Startled by his presence, the buzzards screeches echoed through the Canyon as they angrily retreated from their meal. Their wide-spread wings spooked his already nervous mount. Alarmed, the wide-eyed gelding scurried backwards in an effort to escape. Jaspers fingers closed tight to firm his grip and blocked the animal from ripping the reins out of his hand and bolting. Once his horse settled down, he focused his attention on the human remains. He noticed someone had methodically notched the base of the sequoia so it would fall the way the wind blew. On the day these two were strapped to it, it had given away to a wind from the north. From the scattered bones, and the decayed state of their remains, he could tell the bodies had been here quite a while. Not seeing any tracks of stray cattle anywhere, he started to leave when he spotted a dingy white folded paper in the pocket of a shirt snagged on the sequoias cactus needles. “Maybe there’s information of who they were, Jasper reasoned as he stepped toward the cactus and retrieved it. To his surprise, it turned out to be a wanted poster on a black army deserter named Ezra Boggs. There was a thousand dollar bounty on him, which was quite unusual since most deserters, especially Negro deserters, were not worth more than fifty dollars dead or alive. The description on the poster of Ezra, described over half the Negroes in the territory. The only thing separating him from most was the description of his gun. Chrome plated Colt 45, with the initials E.B. Engraved on its pearl handle. Neither had he ever met a black who could ever afford such a gun. As he turned to leave, a slight breeze found its way into the canyon and ruffled the air. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a patch of blue flapping from behind a mesquite bush. There he found two cavalry uniforms neatly folded with a rock placed on top of them. Jasper eyed the corpses again, puzzled at the oddness of the situation. Folding the poster, he stuffed it into one of the pockets of his work chaps, and mounted his horse. “Im no bounty hunter, said Jasper as he turned his gelding and headed out of the canyon the same way as he had entered, and thought quietly as he continued his search for Circle L strays. Chapter 4 Nathaniel Grey The voluptuous naked body of Katherine Carlisle was stunningly hypnotic. Her long blonde hair glistened under the light of a kerosene lamp, which sat on a marble mantle over a stone fireplace whose flames had gone out earlier in the evening. She flung her hair behind her with a flick of her head while she straightened up and bared her firm full breasts, as she stared at the young man sleeping beside her. As the young mans eyes opened, a pleasant thought serenely entered his mind bringing a smile to his youthful face. I cant wait till she’s my bride. “I love you, said the man softly. “I love you, too. Katherine threw the covers to the floor then quickly straddled him, pinning him to the bed. Hovering over him as though he were prey, she squeezed his torso with her knees, then leaned down and kissed his forehead. Hypnotized by her huge breasts which swung in his face, the young man was totally helpless. Her being on top was a position he had enjoyed many times. Playfully, the young man tried to lift Katherine’s naked hundred and thirty pound frame using just his arms. Yet, like always, he gave in easily as he loved being dominated by her. “Dont you move my love, I have something for you, she said with a sparkly grin on her face. “Want me to close my eyes” “If you want to, do it now. The young man shut his lids and smiled as he patiently waited for her to tell him to open them. Her weight upon him lessened as he sensed she had risen to her knees to get her surprise for him. A few moments of silence held him captive before Katherines weight was once again upon him. Her comforting voice was like music to his ears when he heard her say, You can look now. Smiling, the young man opened his eyes. That pleasurable moment quickly succumbed to one of terror as his beautiful Katherine, was gone; replaced by a faceless enemy he had never seen. The man he had come to know as Buck Trent hovered over him holding a butcher knife. Its blade now glistened under the light of the lamp. The combination of shock and disbelief froze the young mans reactions long enough for his enemy to thrust the knife downwards towards his chest… … Nathaniel awoke with a scream. His sweat-bathed body juddered with fear. A second scream erupted, startled by a figure which loomed over him. In his panicked state, he had not recognized his longtime friend and foreman Mark Wesley. “Sir, you’ve had another nightmare. The gentle touch of Mark’s hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder eased the tremors. The old man slowly swung his one leg over the edge of the bed, sat up, and then planted his foot on the hardwood floor. “Damn, said Nathaniel wiping his eyes. “It’s all about Katherine and Buck again. Why, after all these years, am I still having these nightmares? Nathaniel watched Mark bite the inside of his lower lip; a clear indication he had something to say, but was resolved to keep silent. “Say whats on ya mind. Weve been friends too long for us to have secrets. Go on, spit it out. “Sir, Mark said hesitantly, “This hatred for a man, whose name youve only heard spoken, yet never’ set eyes on, is what keeps them around. Its been ten years now. Maybe you should forget her and this ghost, Buck Trent. Nathaniel grabbed the walking cane propped next to his wooden leg, which leaned against a wall beside his bed. Infuriated, Nathaniel squinted and stared at Mark with his nostrils flared and face flushed. “Forget her! How can I forget her? He pounded the floor with the end of his cane in anger. “She was the love of my life. This Buck Trent killed her. The old man pointed his cane at Mark. “As long as I have a breath in me, I will never forget her, or the one who murdered her and left me a cripple. No way. Itll be a cold day in hell before that happens. Mark remained still and let his friend’s wrath work itself out. He knew better than to broach the subject, particularly under the circumstances. Yet, he thought, some things are best left unsaid. “You, more than anyone, should know better than that. Nathaniel shook his head. “I dont want to hear you suggest anything like that ever again, you hear? Mark yielded and acknowledged the order with a nod of his head. “Sir, have you heard back from, that man, Jake Callahan, who said Buck Trent had entered the territory? “No, I havent, said Nathaniel as his temper settled down a bit. “Hell get in touch with me when he has Buck in custody. Five thousand dollars is no chump change. He wont see one dime until I get a legitimate wire from an authorized law dog verifying it is Buck Trent. He grinned at Mark. “Even rich folks like us have to follow the laws of the land, or in this case, territory. I will say though, its nice to have more than enough money to tweak them now and then. Mark was about to return to his room when a thought crossed his mind. Sir, you know we start branding tomorrow? Whats today? “Its Sunday. “Good. With his head down, Nathaniel stared at his forty-three year old image being reflected back through his shiny newly waxed wooden floor. “Can we get them done in a day? Mark caught his head slightly and lifted his brow at the owner of the lazy B. “We have thirty cowboys willing to do anything you ask. I could say yes, but in truth it may take anywhere from two to three days. As Nathaniels head shot up in protest, Mark straightened his spine and looked his boss square in the eye. “There lot more than just a few hundred head of mangy cattle to brand. We have over two-hundred cows that dropped calves last season alone, not counting any strays which could have wandered into the herd since then. Nathaniel sighed wearily as he worked himself back into bed. He then placed his cane back against the wall and smiled. “God I love branding time. Will they be castrating tomorrow? “Yes Sir! Mark caught Nathaniels grin just as he turned to take his leave. As Mark slowly made his way out of the room he couldnt help but overhear Nathaniel talking to himself. “Boy! How Id like ta’ castrate Buck Trent like they did me when they took my leg.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:57:18 +0000

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