Giulietto Chiesa: USA will not release Donbass! 8 September - TopicsExpress


Giulietto Chiesa: USA will not release Donbass! 8 September 10:56 | 0 0 I do not like! Do! Giulietto Chiesa: USA will not release Donbass! Viktor Yanukovych as president of Ukraine had sold the land Donetsk and Lugansk regions global giants - the American company Chevron and the Anglo-Dutch Shell - a production of shale gas. As a result, it is important to simply clean up the area from the public that it does not get in the way and no one had to pay compensation. Where mined shale gas, people can not live, and therefore, in the Donbass would settle the whole city. War cheaper. Plus it is extremely beneficial to the United States - the main sponsor of the new Kiev authorities ... This information was circulated famous Italian journalist, former MEP and now just an active politician Giulietto Chiesa (by the way, is fluent in Russian language), and we can only guess where he got top-secret documents, plus photos, audio, video, confirming transaction between Viktor Yanukovych and Chevron / Shell. Juliet Chiesa phoned your correspondent - learned not only all the details of the war, but also the latest news - zhutchayshim! USA manure the soil - And we, and many in the West believed Yanukovych puppet of Russia, and suddenly the deal with Chevron and Shell, which is on hand only the United States, as well as deployed as a result of the war - the correct States ... - Yes, Yanukovych, in fact, sold the entire south-east of Ukraine. But when I read in the media that Yanukovych - the Russian people greatly surprised, because he had never been such. He never was a performer of Russian interests. All the presidents of Ukraine were pro-Western. And Kuchma and Kravchuk, Yushchenko and Yanukovych. A Evromaydan - coup, organized and supported by the United States of Europe. Incidentally, when I say Europe in the first place mean Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, which are particularly hard pressed in the European Parliament against Russia. They are very afraid that Russia becomes stronger, louder defends its position in the world - and with it have to reckon. Someone would think that Germany opposed the Russian more restrained than, for example, England. Misconception. Germany just works trickier England ... From the states point of view, I think Vladimir Putin behaves impeccably. During the Yeltsin era was a huge loss of knowledge and independence. Responsible for your words! I even wrote a book, A Farewell to Russia! - When he saw what was going on during the reign of Boris Yeltsin, analyzed the situation and made sure who benefits from it. Now everything is different: there is a re-creation of the idea of the conservation values of Russia. Preservation of Russias values, history, language - it is, in fact, and protection from the West, and opposition to it. And the idea of the West is nothing democratic about for a long time do not contain or bear. In Russia, democracy is much better than in the United States, where the concept of voting - conditional. - In the European media (in Latvian and Italian) all presented with exactly the opposite ... - Do not get tired of repeating that the system itself does not allow American diktat Western media to objectively cover all the events on the same Ukraine - so constituted mechanism. And Latvia, I would recommend more often sober look at the world: no freedom of information in the West moment! There triumphs system American diktat! For example, in the West almost never sounded information about a telephone conversation Assistant Secretary of State for East European Victoria Nuland (assistant John Kerry), who spoke about investing $ 5 billion in the Ukraine. By the way, 5 billion - a figure the official, but really - its 15 ... For the revolution in Ukraine was a long and careful preparation of the United States. And if not, how else can you interpret the words of Nuland? - Like-like - Investing in democracy. In the sense that Ukraine finally became a democratic country. It is known that the doves of peace the United States are fighting on Earth solely for freedom and democracy! - Here you ironiziruete, and many in the world as it truly believe ... Russia, of course, also have their own interests in Ukraine. But they are both the United States and Europe! We all have. But! The thing is, who and how to achieve results. And the United States has been working to ensure that, firstly, to approach as close to the borders of Russia, and secondly, to expand the fuel business, thirdly, to expand the market in general. And then, as they say, all in one. Its Ukraine! I have every reason to believe that the United States began to actively handle the country even before the Orange Revolution (remember when we started talking about Ukraine in NATO!). That took - and failed. Then came Yanukovich - to put it mildly, not a good leader, and eventually create the conditions in which the United States could easily implement its program in Ukraine ... The hosts of the universe - and a small Donbass - The primary purpose of the operation, the Ukrainian crisis - turn Ukraine into NATO - continues the source. - In parallel, it is important to strike a blow for Russia, because to get to Ukraine - means to take over the Russian gas supply. States hoped that if this closed valve, Russia will have a huge economic impact - an annual loss of 100 billion euros. Barack Obama traveled to Europe twice in the month and a half (and still going soon). This has not happened before! Why? He offered to replace the Russian American and Canadian gas in liquefied form. In the XXI century, Americans lose their world domination and is now doing everything to regain the power and strength. And Ukraine only need the USA! - Lets go back to the said transaction - the sale of Donbas ... - It is no accident Yanukovych signed an agreement with the Shell and Chevron, these companies actually sold a Donbass. But behind them are the United States and its global interests. And the United States know how to count money ... In the contract it comes to exploration, development and production of hydrocarbons in the Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions. Densely populated areas, conservation areas, mineral resources, reserves of drinking water given to uncontrolled activity of foreign corporations! But in the process of shale gas, which is extremely dangerous, would settle the whole city, and the people who want to stay, we would have to pay huge compensation - for life. Much easier and cheaper in all respects to begin full-scale war, which in addition would help the United States deal with its main enemy - Russia. And the war has begun ... And now - please! - The news is quite fresh. Just last week, Shell and Chevron ... abandoned their plans in the south-east of Ukraine. What does this mean? Either these companies have realized that Russia wins again and continue to do in the Donbass something completely pointless, or ... These companies have done their job, and now the war has moved in the opposite phase. Because of this war in the Ukraine is a certain group of people, I repeat - American, who lead a terrible game. September 11, 2001 was the beginning of the Afghan war, then - Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian. And now - Ukrainian. All links of one chain. This is a global operation to change the course of history. USA withdrawn himself in the story leading role. Redivision of the world and the main war will now be carried out for the sake of the planets resources. United States looking for yourself, wherever else that dig-deflate. America sees that the resources are not to be missed at all already during the first half of this century. How to get a land rich in resources? Start of the war for them. Where do we start? With some total disaster. And heres the September 11 events, where and started a series of wars - the flag of the United States. And do not get tired of repeating that the States themselves inspired collapse bashen- twins: there is evidence of this, which, however, in a free and democratic Western world are not. It is believed that the West is a great democracy. Yes, there are people for whom a vote, someone is selected. But who determines how they will vote? These people gather once a month in Manhattan and decide for half an hour to send 3-5 trillion dollars. This Merrill Lynch (Bank of America), Jeep Morgan (JPMorgan Chase - one of the oldest financial conglomerates on the planet), Bill Gates ... These giants ahead in its capabilities and active the entire state. That they are the real masters - Masters of the Universe - masters of the universe. They have all the information, but it systematically hide. All the worlds major media, which we are informed, are in their hands. And when something happens where a coup, as happened in the Ukraine, and then they all occupy all media. A independent Internet - the most profitable jobs for special services, where only a very literate person can share the truth and a lie. The Third World ... information warfare against anyone being? First of all - against Russia. - In the West, the events in Ukraine since the beginning became touted as if Putin occupied Ukraine ... - Yes, and this is the beginning not the information of the third world, but the real war. This is her first episode. World War II also did not start with the German invasion of the Soviet Union ... Planet already shared - But Russia has something to defend themselves - convinced Giulietto Chiesa. - Because there is another big player in this business - China: between Moscow and Beijing to forge an alliance. On the other hand, the combined Western giants - America and Europe. Now it is especially important that the Russian presence in the world was seen as a positive factor. We need to show how it is actually the people to see the obvious: not evil Russian bear and the USA! Requires a new vision of international relations. From the point of view of the interests of the state, I believe Putin behaves impeccably. He could not have done differently, and he did everything right. And now more and more countries in the world see who the real enemy, and refer to the United States all the more critical. Omission Russia only in the fact that it did not interfere years in the affairs of a neighboring state, has done nothing to todays war was not ... Or so: Russia has made too little effort to stop the advance of the United States to its border. Now the United States occupied the Ukraine, as well as sponsoring the war. Army of Ukraine - under the auspices of the United States. It is obvious that those who fought for Independence - Right sector, Freedom - the Nazis. But they are nothing serious in itself is not would be if it were not for the Western powers that support them. States bought the base of the secret services of Ukraine, the creation of paid training camps (the same as it was earlier in the Baltic States and Poland) ... - Which countries are now friends against Russia? - Long-time and the biggest chronic russophobes world - the USA, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. The purpose of the US-led they have one - an attack in the near future for Russia. United States and Germany now wants a new world war. And now it all depends on how Russia will behave. United States and Germany set against it the whole of Europe, but we must pay tribute to Putin: it behaves very carefully so as not started this global war. But Poroshenko already right - not once - said: After the Donbass go to the Crimea. What does this mean? Crimea - Russia. Going against the Crimea - the means to attack neighboring countries. And this is a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine (or rather, the United States and their pocket organization NATO). If war breaks out, the United States, as usual, will be sitting on the sidelines at the ocean, driving out fighting and getting only dividends. The current leadership of the United States - was a crazy and very bad people. I heard with my own ears that said maydanovtsam same Senator McCain: go ahead, we support you. And he had a huge impact in the United States, because he was a candidate in the presidential election - and almost won. And it is the same oil production of America. And he is associated with Al-Qaeda! And he desperately needed all the oil wars in the world. And it - its business elite USA, puppeteers world. Circle. Draw your own conclusions ... More:
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:56:38 +0000

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