Given the tools available via the Internet, it is probable that in - TopicsExpress


Given the tools available via the Internet, it is probable that in the near future, more & more people if not a critical mass will come to see the real fault line in American political economy: not between conservatives & liberals or between Republicans & Democrats, but between corporate & anti-corporate. The former defend or are pawns of globalism (& usually have an economics-uber-Alles view of the world). The latter defend localism & intelligent populism: above all, the rights of those in communities to be left alone, & not be compelled to knuckle under powerful forces they certainly didnt vote for, had no say in, & no control over, but which destroy their communities & lives. The U.S. middle class is an example, writ large. I submt that a large, financially independent middle class, one of the side-products of an economy that is growing & prospering, was never wanted by the power elite. It tend to produce too many independent thinkers as well as doers. Independent minds eventually turn their attention to matters of political economy when they find certain doors barred to them, or see & report on certain kinds of injustices. The entire redistribution-of-wealth-upwards schema that was arguably launched in the 1970s, put in motion in the 1980s, & really took off during the 1990s, has been a slow-motion, multifaceted economic attack on Western middle classes, destroying livelihoods, families, habits (especially that of saving), morals, as well as a persons capacity to obtain real education & have both personal space & time to think.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:00:43 +0000

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