Glad to know so many on here feel the same way about the scam - TopicsExpress


Glad to know so many on here feel the same way about the scam called SS as I do. Enabling people to draw from it that have never contributed is just a way for the shills in Congress to keep getting re-elected.Every dead beat, every illegal being granted entitlements or amnesty means another vote for the politrickster who sold the rest of us out. And We the People are a diminishing demographic.With fifty million illegals about to become vested in the system,do the procreation math looking out 20 years. With the average family here illegally having 3 or more kids, that equals a probable 150 million new democratic voters who will be indoctrinated in continuing to support this madness. The republicans yielding to John Boehner have given consent to this by way of their silence.This proves to me that the only thing that matters to either side on Capitol Hill is job security..THEIRS! Right now Congress has an 8% approval rating. However, 90% of incumbents got re-elected this last time.The job security thing seems to be working for them already.. What happens to a private company if its only 8% satisfied with a service provided by a sub-contractor,but continues to give that sub-contractor 90% of its business? Obviously, the company will most likely fail, and the sub-contractor will get fat. Congress insidiously, refuses to get this of course. IMHO,the only answer to this debacle-if there is one-lies in the Power of the States afforded them in the Constitution. Lets encourage the legislatures there to begin to realize this opportunity and act accordingly. Btw...ITS NOT MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 05:34:54 +0000

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