Global warming campaigners would like us to believe that 2014 will - TopicsExpress


Global warming campaigners would like us to believe that 2014 will be the hottest year ever. This is a ploy. World temperature continues to show no meaningful increase since the nineties, yet climate computer models continually project a warmer world than the one we actually live in. Even the terms warmest and hottest are misplaced. Were only talking about around 1/2 degree. Nothing very warm about that. Dr. Roy Spencer is a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama, Huntsville and recipient of NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal. He works with temperature-measuring satellites. Take a look at what Dr. Spencer had to say about the latest warmest ever ploy. Satellite temperature data do not show 2014 to be on track to be the warmest, which begs the question, why do warming campaigners want to pass over highly accurate satellite data in favor of less accurate data from thermometers at ground stations? Roy makes a persuasive case that we should be on our guard against researchers adjusting the ground temperature data and cherry picking the data sets that best suit their narrative. The main takeaway is that the satellites orbiting above us are the most reliable measurement of global temperature we have, and the hardest to manipulate. They are not on track to show 2014 as the warmest year, nor do they show the Earth warming as the models proclaim it should. The warming campaign says one thing, but the facts say another. We recommend the facts. For nature and people too, Craig Rucker
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:43:21 +0000

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