Go to school, get good grades, get a degree so you can get a safe - TopicsExpress


Go to school, get good grades, get a degree so you can get a safe secure job, they told me. Sacrifice forty years of your life to maintain the ability to do so, and maybe, Luke, maybe someday you can retire. But itll be on a fraction of the income that barely got you by for the first four decades of your career. Oh, and youll be 65 years old, minimum. So goes the traditional plan. The idea of a menial corporate job, spending the majority of my days in a cubicle, reporting to someone else, having to ask when I can have time off, when I can eat lunch, when I can use the restroom, all of this to build their wealth while they have no concern for my own. This American Dream had lost all of its oh-so-radiant appeal before I even entered high school. I put my foot down. I own my time. I decide when I take a vacation. I decide when, or IF I return. I want to see the world, make memories with my family and friends, make an impact, pursue my passions and delve into new hobbies. I want to love life and live it. Its the new age, friends. Our generation wont use landline phones, dial up internet or plug in a radio. Yet we seem to have no problem falling in line, settling for the numbingly stationary life-support that is a job. Now there are jobs with a definite purpose, important jobs. We need doctors, police officers, lawyers and things of that nature. Im not bashing anyone who chooses a career as an employee, anyone can live any way that they choose. But to the freedom junkies that never felt that they fit this mold, does a job give you the liberty to experience life? To accomplish all of the important things you have on your bucket list? No. A job requires that we trade away the very thing that life is made of, our time. And no currency is more precious. Yes youre living, your basic needs are met, but are you alive? Ive met too many people that set their life to autopilot, only to resurface on the other side of their youth, wondering where the hell their time went. For the bold, there is a better way.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 21:59:28 +0000

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