***God Is In Control*** “And he is before all things, and by - TopicsExpress


***God Is In Control*** “And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” (Colossians 1:17) *God never called you to control the world; He never has and He never will! To ask you to do so would be to call on you to perform a task that is reserved only for God Himself; in the same way, God also never intended for you to balance everything in your life and in the lives of your friends all by yourself. There is only one Person who is able to manage all of these things; God alone. Our shoulders are not broad enough, nor strong enough to balance the weight of the world; and God knows that, but be encouraged, because God’s shoulders are more than able to carry all of it! ***Take a Load Off*** Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I wonder if today you are carrying a weight that is unnecessarily burdening you; as a minister you are never called by God to bear any burden, perform any task, lead any group of believers, manipulate any situation to produce a certain outcome, or make any decision that God Himself has not purposed and equipped you to do, and once you remove these unnecessary burdens off of your shoulders, the faster you will grow in “wisdom.” ***It’s Okay to Say No*** Dont worry, you are not “shrugging off” your responsibilities if you say “no” to some of the request made of you; in fact, just the opposite is true! God’s children, by learning to say “no,” you are showing/revealing a level of spiritual wisdom. When you extract unnecessary burdens from your life and discipline yourself to focus on only what God expects of you, you will become more efficient in your time- management; you will also experience a greater sense of accomplishment. Most importantly, those around you will not feel the spillover of your emotional frustration like they did when you were striving to perform the impossible! ***Make a List*** Make a list today of everything that is weighing heavy upon you; be specific. The more detailed the list, the better; after your list is complete, scratch out every single item that is out of your control, the ones that only God can take care of, mark them out completely; so completely that you cannot even read what you had written! Then read the items that remain on your list; my prediction is that the remaining items will be things that are just between you and God…. ***Be Encouraged Today*** Vessels of the Most High God (Jehovah Elohim), live to the fullest within the parameters God Himself has set up for you; live within God’s expectations. Focus on what the Lord God Almighty has called you to do, and do not burden yourself with things that God has reserved for Himself….(You Do Know That God Is In Absolute Control, So Please Begin To Act Like It!!! I Decrease in Self and Increase in the Lord; Shalom Be Unto Every One Of My Beloved Brothers And Sisters In Christ)…
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:02:31 +0000

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