God Is So Good! HES GONNA KILL YOU!...(a must read. Lenthy. But - TopicsExpress


God Is So Good! HES GONNA KILL YOU!...(a must read. Lenthy. But Shocking!) Two nights ago about 30 minutes before closing time, while I was sitting in Mcdonlds using their Wi-Fi, this strange guy walks into the restaurant near my area. I could sense that he was searching for something and as he made his way past me and back up the isle, he stops and asks: How Far Is Birmingham? (mind you, we are in GA). Just behind me, before I could respond, the only other patron in the building; a young petite white teenage girl, blurts out: Oh, Its About 6 Hours Away. I Was Recently There! Begrudgingly, the strange guy responds as he begins to walk off, Well, It Will Take Me A lot Longer Than That To Get There! Now, at this moment I quickly picked up on the fact that this is another beggar story that will NOT enlist me in a starring role. Immediately, I harden my heart. I wanted nothing to do with this situation. Im too busy!, I quickly mumble to myself. And this guy cant be serious to believe that I will assist in getting him to Birmingham. Does he? Just in my front view, he makes his way to an area in the restaurant where there was an outlet. As I am frantically trying to go through my Course Syllabus, since I will be heading back to school at Liberty University Online on Monday, I felt a tug in my spirit to go approach this guy. Now, I already mentioned that I had hardened my heart and now here goes a nudge from God to do exactly what I DID NOT want to do. Momentarily, I wrestled with God about all the reasons why I needed to stay out of this man way and take care of my OWN agenda. Yall know how it goes when faced with these good deed situations, right? We wrestle with all the excuses why NOT to do good unto others as we want them to do unto us. But was I to follow the naturally selfish ways of ourselves and society? Or was I to be obedient to the Spirit of the Lord? (sighing) Up on my feet, I makes my way to the area where he is sitting and I lean over to him and say, I Know I Dont You, But No Matter What You May Face In Life, Always Remember That God Loves You Unconditionally...And He Proved It When Jesus Christ Died On The Cross For The Sins Of The World! Surprisingly, he looks back at me and agrees assuredly, I Know. I proceeded to share with him that the very seat that he was sitting in was the exact same place where I shared with another stranger (Im in this Mcdonlds often using their Internet) mouths ago my testimony of how I was brutally shot at point-blank range in my face and the bullet ripped through my gums and exited out the back of my neck, by a classmate I trusted (but Gods Mercy spared my life). The conversation continues. Chris, which is name by the way, shared with me how he too experienced a near fatal incident when he tried to commit suicide. He once drove himself onto a train track and was hit by a speeding locomotive where he was thrown from the car, leaving doctors amazed at the fact that he survived. It Was God Who Saved Me!, Chris stated in our brief conversation. Meanwhile, He proceeds to tell me that it took him two days to walk to the Mcdonlds in Madison, GA, from Augusta. And as I calculated the days back in which he was straddling along the highway...I realized that while many of us where home trying to keep warm, Chris was out in the record-breaking, bitter cold temperatures...Wandering & HOMELESS! My heart dropped! But the story shifts. And what takes place from this point is the battle of the VOICES! In the mist of all of this, the Mangers Voice yells, You All Have 5 Minutes And We Are Closed! Knowing that I cant leave him like this, I tell Chris to pack up all of his bags and Ill take him to the nearest Truck Stop. He had just spent his last two dollars on the Dollar Menu and he was broke and I needed to help him. But as I am gathering my belongings a voice rips through me like a violent storm that said, Dont Put That Guy In Your Car...HES GONNA TO KILL YOU! Knocked off my feet, I was thinking of ways to get out of what I had just told him. Havent we all heard stories of someone being murdered by a stranger they tried to help? Stuff like this happens in todays world, you know. And to reinforce the whole reluctance from the beginning of all of this; how I needed to mind my own business, I thought to myself, he walked for two whole days from Augusta. Surely, he can walk a Lil more. Right? HES GONNA KILL YOU!, the voice rings louder in my head as he is now walking towards me so we can leave the premises. And to add, I saw the whole scene flash through my mind of how he would reach into one of his bags, pull out a gun, and viciously assault me...leaving my dead body on the side of the road while driving away in my car. Lord, what am I to do? In the meantime, while walking through the parking lot I quickly made this declaration to myself: If I Happen To Die Tonight, It Will Be For Doing What I Felt Was Right! In the car, Chris and I make it safely to our destination and the only horrible scene at this point was the unbearable odor that filled the air. He has not had a bath in probably weeks. Needless to say, as we were parked outside of the Pilot Truck Stop, where he could get a bath and the Huddle House is opened 24 hrs, I ask Chris would he mind if I prayed with him. With a smell that would knock you out, I reached over and grabbed his hand and held it. Because at this moment, I remember how Jesus reached down and took me by my nasty hands when I was homeless and lost in a world of sin with no direction in my life. Shortly After prayer, in which I prayed for his safety, provision, and well-being, I reached into my wallet and gave him all the cash that was in it. Because for the most part, this world must come to grips that Real love is always demonstrated not in what we say...but in what we do! And lastly, I Now I leave you with this. What you may not know about me is that when I go to church on Sundays, I take my seat not in the PEWS...But in the PULPIT! Reflecting on my I aint got time for this attitude in the beginning of the story made me cringe thinking of how many Apostles, Pastors, Evangelist, Prophets, Teachers, and Leaders (or everyday Christians) in todays church & world who are cold-hearted, money-hungry, lack compassion, selfish, racist, hateful & misleading their flock? True Christianity is to reflect the Uncondictional Love of Jesus Christ to EVERYONE. ANYTIME. EVERYWHERE. And In EVERY SITUATION! In Tears, I realized, as I drove away down the dark road home with the windows rolled down in the car to let out the stench Chris left inside...The voice that said,HES GONNA KILL YOU! was right. He did. But the death was not Physical, but Mental & Spiritual! ***If You Believe People Like Chris Makes The World A Better Place By Challenging Us Type Amen & Share All To The Love Of God.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 07:11:56 +0000

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