God Wink continued... Question ? If the Lord called you - TopicsExpress


God Wink continued... Question ? If the Lord called you would you answer? And if you answered and God said something you didnt want to hear would you hang up on him? Well as I left you all yesterday we had our tickets to Mexico for Friday March 28th. Now months previous Janice had a trip planned to go visit her sister in Texas on Monday March 24, for some shopping. Her sisters birthday in March 21st and Janices birthday was March 31st. It was to be a special week. I took her to the airport and sent her to on her way. I was working Tuesday and Wednesday not knowing when exactly when I would be back, then flying to Texas on Thursday to meet up with Janice then on to Mexico on Friday. While at work on Wednesday I received that Phone Call !! It was actually our insurance agent telling me something about a rider added to all policies just 5 months earlier. He continued to discuss money for policy holders with terminal illnesses. This is when I Hung up on the Lord. Luke 13:35 says Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Later that day my youngest daughter picked me up and took me to Detroit to a hotel so I could catch an early flight to Texas Thursday morning, meet up with Janice then off to Mexico Friday morning. I arrived at the airport by shuttle bus, worked my way through security and to my gate around 7:30 am only to realize my flight was delayed. My plane needed a part which would come in from Ft Lauderdale around 10:30 am. I texted Janices sister letting her know about the delay and she told me Janice wasnt having a good morning and was actually happy as she needed to go to bed for a while to shake a terrible headache. All in Gods timing. The part arrived, we boarded and took off landing in Dallas around 12:30 Dallas time. Janice was there to greet me well rested and her headache gone. Praise the Lord. We were up early, caught our flight, and arrived in San Diego and waited for the medical van. He arrived straight away and we were off to cross the boarder. After we had been at the clinic for about 3-4 days, I had contacted family back home giving them contact information if the needed to get in touch with us. The following morning my mother contacted me and told me she just had and appointment with her insurance agent (same one who had called me earlier) he explained what had happened during our phone conversation, apologized because he felt he offended me. She proceeded to explain the details of this rider he had tried to discuss with me. Apparently it was possible to get up to 75% of a policies death benefit for treatments for a person with a diagnosis of a terminal illness. Now I had time to process this and was more aware at this point. I asked them to forward the paperwork and I would look it over when it arrived. Treatments were going smoothly/ The food was wonderful at the clinic. We would lounge by the pool and enjoy the sunny 75 * days. We were able to take an evening walk everyday after dinner. As I was in contact with the family member who was loaning us the funding for the treatments at this point, we decided to put all costs on our United airlines credit card, this would give us a lot of flyer miles to assist with future flights. then they would pay off the card every week as the debt added up. As I explained to Janice this plan to keep the bill paid up to date she would hug me tight and say The Lord WILL provide, he always has She was a woman of such strong faith, I was a stronger man because of it. The insurance papers showed up a week or so later. we filed out what we could, yet the Dr back home would need to fill out 1 page with her diagnosis. Now, the Drs here were not impressed that we choose to go to Mexico for treatments. They would not order CT scans or any tests, stating it was a liability and there was no way to tell what the immunotherapy treatments were doing or how tests would react to her? At Rubios we were paying $6500 per week and had the home program on top of that. After 7 weeks in the clinic and including the travel, home program and all tests, CT scans, and other procedures not at the clinic. All total, when we arrived home after her first stay, we were indebted to the tune of $76,400. Which would get us through 4 weeks at home until we must return to Rubios for a week and another home program. When I arrived home and prepared everything for Janices return to a peaceful environment. I finished the papers for the insurance company. Janice and I discussed which Dr we would ask to fill out the page required with her diagnosis. I took the paper to the surgeons office who saw her first here in Midland. I dropped off them at his office, explained to the nurse what it was and what we needed. The following day they called to inform me the papers were indeed finished and I could pick them up any time. I packed all of them into an envelope and dropped them in the mail to see what would happen. Janice and I prayed, Lord if this is your plan for our needs we leave it with you to show us your mercies and glory Amen. Just a few days later a letter showed up in the mail. I expected a need for more documentation or something. Yet when I opened the letter it was well wishes form our insurance carrier with a check for an unbelievable amount of money. Thank you Jesus. My mind couldnt wrap around how this had happened. To say the Lord will provide is not difficult. To SEE it with my own eyes in a check that cashed without problem is a blessing I never dreamed. We were able to pay all our medical debt to date, and had funds for future treatments. The Lord had eased my mind of all worry of debt so I could enjoy my time with Janice as peaceful as I would ever dream. As treatments continues, days, weeks, and months, passed, the expenses were charged on the credit card and paid off 100% each time and prepared for the next round of expense. As the money dwindled down to around $40,000 I started listing properties for sale, our suburban was for sale, our boat was for sale, I was trying to eliminate expenses and prepare for the long term. I even started sending all the pre-approved credit card applications. I wanted to have as much available credit as possible. Janice asked me what I was up to. I told her that the funds the Lord had sent us was shrinking fast and I was preparing to go into debt again if needed. What ever it took, I was prepared to do. Again she hugged me and said The Lord will provide hi always has, he gives us all we need. That moment felt like a punch in the gut. My mind went to, What if this was all we needed? I was truly scared at the thought. We were at that time preparing for our next trip to Mexico. We arrived on Aug 24, it was suppose to be a week stay with another home program, should cost about $19.000 or so. Upon arrival Dr Rubio told us he was going to preform a special procedure where he would use ultrasound to place a needle directly into the liver tumors and inject them with her vaccine. This would require an extra week stay to monitor liver enzymes and be sure all was ok. At the end of the stay, the cost was over $39.000. With some travel expenses we were left with around $18 in our account. We arrived home Sept 6. Our 29 th anniversary was the next day Sept 7th. Janice said she wanted to go out on our boat as it was a beautiful day. Im not sure she was feeling well, yet she knew her dad had wanted to go out on the boat and hadnt had the chance all summer. With all we had going on and her dad having some health issues of his own, and she knew how much I love being out on the water. She was a giver like that. In fact on our first date ever which was Aug 24th 1984, we went to the movies and she was sooo sick, yet she knew I wanted to go and her parents said it was ok :-) so she toughed it out. Janice started getting really weak around this time. Due to her bowel issues she wasnt getting the nutrition she needed and was getting weak because of it. As you all know 2 weeks to the day after our boat ride Janice went to be with our Father in heaven. as we left Ann Arbor headed back home that evening, we stopped to put gas in heathers car to get us home and maybe you guessed it, the fuel bill was exactly $18. not a penny more, not a penny less. The lord will provide what we need I Praise our heavenly Father everyday for his tender mercies and his love for us!!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:47:03 +0000

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