God bless...America???? We are so very close to the return of - TopicsExpress


God bless...America???? We are so very close to the return of our Lord and as I look around me, my heart is heavy with what I see. America, a once great nation and a shining light for freedom to the world, is no more. She has abandoned her plight to proclaim liberty and taken the wide path of evil and destruction. She has nourished the worship of pagans, possessions, sports, money and self. Her light has grown dim in... the blood of murdered unborn children. The very core of her foundation has been replaced with the sand of perversity and lawlessness. And yet, I hear people proudly proclaim that our Holy God will continue to bless this nation. How can One who cannot even look upon sin bless it? Think about what you are asking? God could not even look upon His own Son as He became sin for us. How can He bless a nation that embraces sin as a god? Our government has become an evil empire that now attacks and threatens the elderly, veterans, disabled, handicapped and sick children. It promises the moon but gives instead only deception that will lead to captivity to all who come against it. The mark of the beast is in place. Persecution has begun. Yes, America chose hope and change in her pursuit for a free ride and to nourish her need to remain lazy and dependent. The change we are seeing daily. The hope will never be found in any other that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. America is beginning to suffer the judgments she has asked for by spitting in the face of the Almighty God. She has worshipped tolerance and acceptance of sin with open arms. Now it is time to suffer the consequences of this cesspool of rebellion and perversity that has been allowed to grow out of control. Now our borders are open welcoming plagues, pestilences, the sting of death along with those who illegally come through. They come here not to have freedom, but to steal, kill and destroy this nation. Our freedoms have been taken and replaced with an evil regime of government officials determined to silence all who come against them. God will bless those in this nation who serve Him in faith, truth and obedience. He will not bless this nation...never, no more
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:03:45 +0000

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