God designed you to live in a physical body that is especially - TopicsExpress


God designed you to live in a physical body that is especially adapted to this earth. He designed you with a specific number of hairs on your head and heart beats in your heart. He knows the length of your days and the outer limits of your potential. He designed you with facets and dimensions that you may not even know! God didn’t create you to be static and unchanging. He made you with the ability to grow and to develop and to change and to adapt. Only God does not change.People change.We age whether we want to or not.We perspire whether we want to or not. As part of your ability to change and grow,God gave you the power of a free will, the power to choose and to make decisions and to exert your own creativity. He gave you the ability to change how you think about God and how you think about yourself.In other words,God gave you the ability to turn from sin and turn to Him. He gave you the ability to repent of the sins of your past and walk in the paths of holiness. Nobody else is put together exactly as you have been put together by God. Nobody has ever been just like you.And nobody will ever be just like you. Therefore... God doesn’t repeat Himself. Since there are no other women who could possibly be you, you may as well go ahead and be you,and acknowledge that it’s good to be you. Be proud of who you are Ladies and stop dise things of skin bleach to become yellowbone .
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:37:04 +0000

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