God has a plan for us all and His plan is perfect yet trial - TopicsExpress


God has a plan for us all and His plan is perfect yet trial obstacle and test that can come will to try deterring us off of Gods plan and will for us. Gods plan for us was designed before the foundations of the world,and we all go through things in life that we many times to not understand and can sometimes be very confusing but God is not the author of this... In the Book of Exodus we read the life story of Moses born a Hebrew boy with a plan from God of greatness but the enemy also had a plan... a plan of death for Moses and tried his hardest to destroy Moses from the very beginning the same as all other Hebrew boys. Pharaoh had plans to kill all newborn Hebrew boys but to let all the girls to live and become slaves to him. But we must remember Gods plan is so much greater than any plan of the enemy...... Moses was 3 months old and his mother hid him as long as she could until he would surely die if being found in her care any longer so she made an ark from bullrush and slime and set him down in the river down stream in hopes he would be found and taken care of safely she hoped and had faith in God that her son would be ok,Moses sister followed downstream in fear of her brothers safety to find that Phaaoahs daughter would see Moses and send her helper in to save him yet Moses sister called his mother to take care of him.... Wow he still ended up in his mothers hands and safe with the assurance of Pharaohs daughter Moses was going to be ok and was set up in Pharaohs kingdom She took him to be her own son and called him Moses because he came from the river. When he became grown he went out and looked over his Hebrew brethren being beaten and tortured to work in slavery and he seen an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and he killed him and buried him in the sand and thought no man see this but one did... And one day he seen two men fighting and he came against it and one man said are you going to kill me the same as you did the Egyptian and he knew they knew what he had done and Pharaoh came after him for what he had done so he ran off to Midian to live and received a wife and she conceived for him a son and during that time Pharaoh died and the Hebrews cried out because of the bondage they were in and god seen their hurt and had respect on them. God then spoke to Moses through the flames of the burning bush saying Moses take off your shoes you are standing on holy grounds.God seen the burdens of His Hebrew children and came down to deliver them out of the Egyptian taskmasters to lift them into a land flowing with milk and honey. And even though God had a plan for the Hebrews and expected end to prosper them there was still a fight the Hebrews would go through because Pharaoh wasnt giving up without a fight because he didnt know God nor believe God had spoken to Moses or Aaron with a message for him to Let Gods people go and all Pharaoh was seeing is building his kingdom up more and needing the children of Israel do so.. So he decided to increase their work and make it harder through his taskmasters and give them even less freedom. What this tells me that living for God and in His perfect will is not always easy but at times we will have to fight the good fight of faith through obstacles and adversity and fight against the bondage that tries to keep us held down to be set free from it to get into His perfect will ..... Its not always easy .... we may not always know it all but if we continue to know we will know what is the perfect will of God and He will make a way of escape for us to be led by the Spirit to His Presence and perfect will. Pharaoh did not believe that Moses had been with God yet Aaron took his rod and threw it down and God turned it into a serpent as did the magicians theirs but Aarons rod devoured the other serpents and then Aaron and Moses smote the waters and killed the fish and turned the waters into blood to get the Egyptians attention and all came to drink but the water stunk and was undrinkable and then God sent frogs upon all the borders of Egypt to get their attention .... God was fighting for His children in many ways even though He couldve destroyed the Egyptians in the beginning .... He chose to give them free will to make the decision to heed to Gods will. But time after time they declined until they were covered in frogs their homes there land and all covered in frogs covered with Gods judgement a sign each time they continued in disobedience a stronger sin they would receive from the Lord. And Moses called Moses and Aaron and told them to make sacrifices unto the Lord that all these frogs would leave so Moses cried out to God and God killed all the frogs but Pharaoh hardened his heart again as soon as he seen the frogs were gone. So the Lord told Moses to tell Aaron to smite the land of Egypt with dust and bring up lice upon the land and Pharaohs magicians tried to bring lice too but could not so they told Pharaoh this was from the finger of God. But Pharaoh still hardened his heart even though lice was on all men and cattle in the land of Egypt. God then spoke to Moses and told him to rise and go down to the water because Pharaoh would be there and again tell him Let my people go that they may serve Me or he would send flies in Egypt. But Pharaoh hardened his heart and God sent the flies and Pharaoh sent Moses out into the wilderness but said dont go too far so God sent the flies away. But again Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go so God spoke to Moses again telling him to go to Pharaoh saying let my people go but he wouldnt listen so God killed all the cattle horses cows asses etc. But all the cattle of the children of Israel was left alive these were cattle owned by the children of promise glory to God God kept the children of Israel and their cattle safe in the midst of destruction and bondage of what had seemed to be a place of royalty. and again Pharaoh was mad and hardened his heart and God told Moses and Aaron to stretch forth their hands and take ashes from the furnace and lift them toward heaven and scatter them and next their came up boils upon all of the men and cattle of Egypt and on the magicians and they couldnt stand before Moses and Aaron. All Pharaoh had to do was listen to God but he time after time denied God and His messengers and yet hardened his heart and God sent plague after plague to the land of Egypt because of the bondage Pharaoh placed on Gods children. But again God sent Moses to Pharaoh early in the morning saying Thus saith the Lord God of Hebrews, let my people go,that they may serve me but again Pharaoh wouldnt listen so God sent hail and fire down in all the land of Egypt and killed many men and cattle and finally Pharaoh called Moses and said tell your God we will let you all go and you will not stay any longer here in Egypt foe me and my people have sinned against God,but yet again as soon as Pharaoh seen Moses was gone and he waved his hand and there was no more hail or fire or rain Pharaoh hardened his heart again and would not let Gods people go. So God sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh again saying Thus sayeth the Lord God of the Hebrews how long wilt thou refuse to humble thyself before me ? let my people go that they may serve me. If you wont let my people go I will send locusts to your coast. Yet again Pharaoh wouldnt listen so God sent locusts to Egypt and they ate all leaves on plants and Pharaoh asked forgiveness and God sent the locusts away. So God hardened Pharaohs heart and he didnt let the people go so God sent darkness over all the land for 3 days so Pharaoh told Moses to take all the people and their cattle and leave Egypt but then God hardened Pharaohs heart so that he wouldnt let the people go so God said he would send one more plague to Egypt to kill all the first born in the land of Egypt so God told Moses to take the blood of goats or sheep and put it upon the door post that wherever the blood was applied no death could enter in the house. God sent a strong message to the Egyptians of how much He cared for His chosen children by killing theirs... But again the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart and Pharaoh wouldnt let the children of Israel go but finally Pharaoh let the people go so God used Moses and told him to stretch out his rod and part the sea so the waters parted they began to cross the Red Sea and then the Egyptians army came after them and as soon as the children of Israel crossed over safely God caused the sea to consume the Egyptian army and they all drowned . And the children seen the Egyptians all dead and the children of Israel feared God and knew of His power and that He was greater than Pharaoh. God time and time again shows His children His greatness and power yet time and time again the children of God struggle to trust Him but he always makes a way of escape and always brings His children in a place of safety even if we do not understand it and even though we may not like where we are at or where we are going God has a plan for it...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:26:01 +0000

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