God has not created us in his image, we create God in our - TopicsExpress


God has not created us in his image, we create God in our image They throw a jungle of jargon in your face and circumvent the problem.....you will find some books which will give you a headache because they will throw such large amount of jungle of jargon that they have created themselves for their own benefit and it appears all very clever.........you got lost in it and you want me to get lost in it as well rather than answer, take it head on! Reminds me of Ouspensky ( Aalok Mishra could not resist mentioning this! :D ) Suppose you hit a block of transparent jelly....you look into it, you see right through it....If you give a thump on the side of the jelly, you see waves being set into motion on the surface of the jelly, and the waves are interacting with other waves.....and there will.be patterns and patterns within patterns and suddenly what was invisible becomes highly visible. You say, hey! Where did this come from?......That thing on its own will stay invisible, you can never grasp it. If there is a vibration in it, that is visible It is saying that substratum to this world is not matter, it is existence. Existence on its own can never be experienced but a variation in existence can be....... Excellent Job!! Ashish Thakur, Aalok Misra, Kanishka Mallick, Aarthi Iyer, Deepti Iyer, Rajeev Ravi, Sakshi Uniyal, Sheeba Shakil, Asma Arshad, Prabhjyot Kaur, Kriti Dhingra, Srishti Chanana, Vrishti Kapoor, Rishabh Anand : Watch this!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 01:30:25 +0000

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