God is not a game to be played with and ppl taking him for granted - TopicsExpress


God is not a game to be played with and ppl taking him for granted because they cant see him or you wanna use the saying no one knows the time or hour TUH!! I did that and ive done it before but ppl only use that saying to continue with sinning. But the bible says 1 Corinthians 10:13There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Oohh but they say its so hard to do this and that you make it hard on yourselves so you telling me you you gon keep using that excuse until he coms back. Ooh yeah and another thing I see ppl taking Gods word from.the bible and twisting it around so they can continue sinning example drinking and be marry came from the story ruth but he wasnt telling ppl of this generation to drink and be marry that was a story or God created weed so its ok to smoke it it wont hurt you WHAT?? Like I said ive been there and ive done it! Weed is destroying your brain cells everytime you smoke it every time you drink you liver is dying! WAKE UP PPL this is real! Just like you see all these stds being spreaded like wildfire and it happen to me but God used me because he know I was strong enough and to also be a testimony to others because im not afraid to admit when im wrong and when I do wrong. But dont think God aint watching just because you cant see him. Ye ya wanna use the saying but God said come as u are or nobody perfect But he said come as you NOT STAY as you are! Yeah yu right nobody is perfect but that doesnt mean. Continue doing what you know aint right of God. Keep playing with God the angels in heaven are writing everything little thing you think God cant see! Dont go to church and come home cursing like a sailor. Dont go to church and and go back to fornicating. Which God are you truely serving Jesus or Satan??? See the devil can bless you with material things but its only temporary why cant you choose Jesus that will blesss you unbundantly?? EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS IS LORD!! Get it together ppl time running out...yu either with God or you against him! CHOOSE YE THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 02:38:22 +0000

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