God is truly amazing at how He gets our attention and blesses us. - TopicsExpress


God is truly amazing at how He gets our attention and blesses us. Sometimes, its in big ways and sometimes, small. I called out to God yesterday for each of my children and asked God to please, please bring me good news for their trials and my heartache for them. In less than 24 hours, one major issue evaporated as if it never existed! Thank you, Lord Jesus for protecting my babies as I do not have the power, authority, or physical strength to do! The 2nd issue came in the form of a beautiful text from my babygirl letting me know clearly that God is in control and she is listening. It came out of the blue and caused my tears to flow. I hope she doesnt mind because it is so intimate, but praying every Mamma and Daddy reading this will be blessed, too, and trust God that our work is not in vain. Cheyenne texted: Thank you for seeing my life. Thank you for keeping your arms open. I know they may be tired and shaking for as many times as I come running back they still remain open. You keep telling me that you are my heart, I know this because I first heard yours. I shared your heart beat. I am eternally grateful for all you have done for me in my life. I could be running in circles, but you let me do as I wish but still whispering, Cheyenne, God loves you. Leading me, guiding me. Everyone says, Ms. Mills, you saved me from something or you helped me so much, but I owe you the biggest. You held my hand even when I felt like no one was there. You saw through my smile right to my hurt. You saw my pain when I laughed. You carried me in your arms from when I was born til this very day. I know when I hug you, it feels like I could be your momma, size difference, but I feel your motherly embrace. I love you so much, momma. My response: If you only knew how much I love you, Chey. You are a gift I never expected from God and still dont deserve. This Mammas heart is overflowing with love and gratitude!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:45:17 +0000

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