God the Universe Concept ~ The Hidden Atomic Universe If the - TopicsExpress


God the Universe Concept ~ The Hidden Atomic Universe If the Universe is intelligent by design then all matter would be able to travel through a black hole without the fundamental laws of physics being destroyed. Understanding quantum entanglement spooky action at a distance. What I refer to as the Genesis Effect could be how the Universe uses black holes to create clones of multi universes is to the point of infinity. There may be more life in the universe than we had ever imagined, we just need a bigger telescope. grin It was written that God made man in his own image. I believe the Bible is more than just a religious history book, its a schematic blueprint of our universe. God is love and anything else is a waste of time and space. Imaginary time: Stephen Hawking no longer believes in the universe being created from the Big Bang. He now writes of the no boundary proposal The universe would be completely self contained and not affected by anything outside itself. It would neither be created nor destroyed. It would just BE. It was also written in the Bible: I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. Being eternal, without a beginning and without an end. That gives man a clue to unlock the secrets of the cosmos. God is the universe we see all around us. God has always been here from the sub atomic levels to the infinity of space that we can see and beyond. God said, Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. If the universe is Gods likeness then God would make man using the atomic structure, protons, neutrons and electrons of course, the chemical basis of life. Trinity: three persons are distinct, yet are one substance. the atomic structure. The Universe has always been accelerating. (Einsteins theory of gravity, the one that contained what was called a cosmological constant). Dark energy, the expansion of the universe, is the opposite than that of normal matter and is anti-matter-energy. Black holes are like big bang particle accelerators scavenging matter in one universe to create life in another alternate multi universe. God the Universe is endlessly expanding to the point of infinity, a kind of over-unity energy — that is, it produces more energy than it consumes --- more matter and anti-matter-energy equals a faster rate of expansion. A universe within a universe where man and all matter are regenerated over and over again, each universe a clone image with the exact fundamental laws of physics. Black holes big bangs are just the latest in an infinite number of cycles going back into the past and into the future. It seems that time may just be a frigment of our imagination Gravitational waves, ripples in space-time suggest that the universe did indeed expand many times faster than the speed of light in the first few instants after the Big Bang. cosmic inflation - external inflation theory- accelerated by anti-matter-energy. Albert Einstein didnt like the randomness of Quantum mechanics, the way in which tiny particles like electrons, neutrinos, photons behave as they are inherently chaotic. If God is the universe then he doesnt have to play dice and the universal laws of physics in each universe created would be the same. The theory of everything is one of the major unsolved problems in physics and aside from that, the fundamental laws of physics were not yet in place before the big bang, so how can we be sure of anything. If you were able to travel through a black hole, when you reached the other side, science tells us the laws of physics would no longer apply. For a while string theory made some sense till they ran out of string grin. Up until now, string theory, which is attempting to unify the four fundamental forces (gravity, EM, and strong and weak atomic) into one set of equations, has had no experimental or observational evidence to support it as a theory. The principle of linear particle accelerators work by way of magnetism eddy current. Super colliders might work with physics in our dimension to attempt to create matter from anti-matter however, in a black hole (before the big bang) none of those forces exist. Evolution by natural selection is supposed to protect our species from extinction, so how does man fit into this equation? Just watch the news and man is doing everything in his power to destroy his species and the planet. God creates ape, ape evolves to man, man kills man and destroys himself. The end. And people wonder why we cant find intelligent life in the universe. grin. Man is using up all the earths resources and in a few more years the rainforests will be gone. Soon food will be scarce due to overpopulation. We pollute the air and water, then build more and more highways for more and more cars. Evolution by God lets man annihilate each other to save whats left of life on the planet. Evolution by God The Universe. “God always takes the simplest way.” Albert Einstein We dont believe in the spiritual, nor do we believe in religion. Isnt theory basically religion? I mean -- youve only changed the word religion to theory, because you think something like man-made numbers can explain everything? Theory is an educated guess on nonexistent numbers, which we havent been able to calculate yet; or even prove it, for that matter. Youre kinda of stupid, arent you? Proof that your existence and theories are the product of second dimensional paradoxical knowledge. Come to think of it, your circuit boards are built on a two dimensional surface; wonder where that technology came from? The human brain is divided in two halves and has many sub-systems that work together to equate what we perceive as reality. Our consciousness is but an illusion that lives in a two dimensional world of uncertainty. Give man pure intelligence and he would not need God “I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are as one? Albert Einstein Black holes the force behind the accelerating expansion of the universe: The most widely accepted explanation for the accelerating expansion of the universe is the existence of dark energy, a substance with negative pressure which is spread homogeneously throughout the universe. However dark energy is only a concept to explain the unexplainable. A black hole absorbs and compacts mass while warping and deforming the fabric of space-time. The outwardly expanding anti-matter energy and gravitational waves created may explain the increasingly faster rate of expansion of the universe. There are so many black holes in the universe that it is impossible to count them. Its like asking how many grains of sand are on the beach. Super massive black holes are a million to a billion times more massive than our Sun and are found in the centers of galaxies. Most galaxies, and maybe all of them, harbor such a black hole. In our region of the universe, there are some 100 billion super massive black holes. The outwardly expanding anti-matter energy and gravitational waves created by each black hole may explain the increasingly faster rate of expansion of the universe. Copyright 2014 God The Universe The Hidden Atomic Universe: The known Universe is made of 99% plasma, ionized (electrically charged) gases. Solar winds positively charge these particulates using electromagnetic induction, a pathway of invisible subatomic atoms. As you look around you there is an invisible subatomic world that is being hidden from your eyes. This invisible force of atoms is the reason why everything has a limitation of speed, including gravity and the speed of light. These sub atomic particles are holding our planet, solar system and the Universe together, putting the brakes on to keep everything in the Universe from flying apart from itself. Without this subatomic world we would not have our perception of eyesight as we know it. Our perception of light will never be the same, neither will our perception of gravity. The Universe is like a Galactic sea of invisible subatomic atoms. This invisible force of atoms is the reason why everything has a limitation of speed, including gravity and the speed of light. These sub atomic particles are holding our planet, solar system and the Universe together, putting the brakes on to keep everything in the Universe from flying apart from itself. Without this subatomic world we would not have our perception of eyesight as we know it. Our perception of light will never be the same, neither will our perception of gravity. The Universe is like a Galactic sea of invisible subatomic atoms. Years ago I posted a video describing what I call the Inner Universe, how all matter no matter how small must go on to infinity. String theory tries to make some sense of this by attributing everything to the vibrations of strings. However in order for strings to vibrate there must be connectivity between them in order for strings to vibrate, similar to airwaves. For energy to travel between two points there can not be an infinity of open resistance nothing according to how we are able to calculate things in our dimension. Imagine trying to fly an airplane in space with no air, its the resistance of air atoms that allows the airplane to fly. Light itself must also travel on a similar pathway of atoms, just because we dont see the atoms doesnt mean theyre not there, they are in an anti-matter multi Universe entangled state. If radio energy radiation can travel through space, then all atoms must be connected with each other in order to complete the connection pathway from one place to another. Like a bridge we must cross to get to the other side of a body of water, we have to ride on a solid path. This can be explained better with EPR paradox Measurements on an entangled state. Quantum entanglement. How atoms can connect with each other across the universe faster than the speed of light. Since these atoms are able to travel faster than the speed that tells you they are riding a pathway with no resistance, Atoms can not connect with each other if there is no pathway between them in which to ride upon. When shining a flashlight, a beam of light travels to its destination by riding a pathway from one atom to the other, until its energy no longer is enough to charge the next atom. The more advanced our technology becomes, the more we are able to see smaller and smaller particles hence Higgs boson soon we will need more advanced technology to see even smaller particles and so on to the point of infinity. With the Hubble space telescope we are able to see galaxies that were created in our early Universe. If light can travel that far then there must be a connectivity between the atoms similar to quantum entanglement. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light the hidden sub atomic structure of the Universe. If the first thing God created was light from the darkness then we have to conclude that darkness is emptiness nothing and light is something. God said, Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. If the universe is Gods likeness then God would make man using the atomic structure, protons, neutrons and electrons of course, the chemical basis of life. Something must first be created before we are able to see it with light. Theres only one logical explanation that we can come to. Light is the atomic structure of the Universe, the connecting force of everything. Science is now creating alternative nuclear fusion power from lasers. Lasers are atoms of light, remind you of anything grin. Is our understanding of light limited to our perception of light? Light may bind with sub atomic particles in an anti-matter state, it would be invisible to us since the anti-matter atoms would be in an anti-matter Universe. If God IS the Universe he would have designed it this way, similar to how we understand as quantum entanglement. Imagine being a cell in our human body or looking through a forest of trees, if atoms and subatomic particles werent invisible to us we would not have our perception of eyesight as we know it. Science tells us that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So that means that light has a limitation of a certain speed and cannot exceed its limitations. So if light has a limitation of speed that means something is limiting its speed by putting the brakes on. Gravity also has a speed and cannot exceed its limitation of speed, if it didnt our planet and solar system would fly apart from itself . Like an airplane that flys against the resistance of air or a boat that travels through the resistance of water their speed is limited by the resistance they encounter. Similar to electricity the vacuum of space can not be empty, atoms must all be linked to each other to be able to ride a pathway. Sub atomic matter and anti-matter pairs of atoms could be the connective force throughout the Universe that maintains the speed of gravity to hold our planet, solar system and the Universe together, keeping it from flying apart from itself. Light is similar to electricity it flows between a pathway of atoms, only in a multi Universe anti-matter state. Our perception of vision itself is dependent on this hidden force of nature. Gravity is the force of invisible sub atomic particles. Imagine for a moment that the Earth is a large magnet and the moon a small magnet, the emptiness of space filled with iron nails. The Earth being a more powerful magnet than the moon magnetizes more nails thus becomes a more intense magnetic field. When subatomic matter and anti-matter multi Universe particles are heavily bombarded with energy, the stronger of the two must annihilate their counterpart. Electricity follows the course of least resistance to ground and also to the nearest atom electron. My lifetime background in electronics brings me closer to the understanding of Gods Universe. This phenomenon can be easily seen with a Tesla coil, its plasma energy reaching out riding a pathway of invisible subatomic particles in an antimatter state. The Tesla coil should work the same in space(in a vacuum) as it does terrestrially. Since there are no particulates in the emptiness of space, this should prove that there an invisible subatomic world that is being hidden from our eyes. To prove this theory, I personally volunteer my services to bring my Tesla coil into outer space, as long as I can bring my Yamaha keyboard, telescope, wife & two cats. grin Similar to the way a low-energy positron collides with a low-energy electron, annihilation occurs. Sub atomic energy particles equals mass gravity. Light is a visible, yet invisible force and is the atomic structure of the Universe. Conclusion: The designer of everything we see is genius! He is God Our Universe. Copyright 2014 God The Universe The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. Nikola Tesla Ive witnessed these particles for the very first time using a frequency modulated plasma globe and an old crt television. This device can also be used to destroy the circuitry in cell phones, too bad I did realize that in my first few experiments grin
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:10:47 +0000

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