God wants us to live drama free lives. Watch the - TopicsExpress


God wants us to live drama free lives. Watch the video https://youtube/watch?v=vdZnUyoXqwE&feature=youtu.be Quick Hit! 14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. I had dinner with a guy who was my boss at the time, and was surprised when he told me how much people in the office watched, and took note of, what both I and everyone else in the office were doing. He then listed off several people and things that he had observed them doing. The point is, we think we live our lives in a bubble and that no one sees or knows what we are doing. That is the furthest thing from the truth. People see what we do and they pay attention. Are you a drama magnet? People see that. Do you cut corners? People see that. We are commanded in today’s verse to live a life that is drama free and a life that cannot be called into question. So the question is, how is the drama level in your life? And, what kind of a life do you present to those around you? Let’s take this one a little deeper. 14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. Meaning – Here is a perfect example of a command from scripture. We are commanded to live at peace with those around us and we are commanded to be holy. Peace is the opposite of conflict. So, we are to not be the person causing conflict. In other words, don’t be the person who is constantly looking for drama. We have all seen the drama magnets. Or you may be the drama magnet. What the Bible is commanding here is a drama free life. Second, what we are also commanded here is to live a holy life. Again, let’s define terms. Holy means sinless perfection. Well we know we can only obtain that lofty goal through the blood of Jesus and His finished work on the cross. However, we can choose to always be aware that people around you see and know what you do. Whether it be at work or at school or at home, people know what you do and they remember what you do. The command here is to be an example in front of those around you. Don’t give them any reason to question your life. Application – Just because we are not confrontational does not mean that we do not raise issues. Sometimes it isn’t what you and I say but rather the way we say it. Here is the challenge, can you raise an issue in such a way that the issue is dealt with without making a big fuss? I don’t have to raise a big stink in order to communicate to someone that there is an issue that needs to be addressed. Like I said above, there are those who love drama. I remember being at a July the 4th party and there was a woman there who was going to go get in an argument with people across the street. We had had no interaction with those people and there was no issue. She just wanted to fuss. Don’t be like that woman. Don’t be the one who raises a stink. If something needs attention, then deal with it quietly and kindly. And when you are choosing issues that need to be addressed, choose wisely. Don’t be so quick to demand your rights. Remember, people are watching you and you need to set a good example. Please share this devotional so your friends can be challenged as well. Hope you have a great day. On Facebook - https://facebook/practicaldevotional On Blogspot - practicaldevotional.blogspot/
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:40:30 +0000

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