Godly peace on Israel Dear Friends, relatives and fellow - TopicsExpress


Godly peace on Israel Dear Friends, relatives and fellow believers Sweet greetings in the wonderful and sweetest name of Jesus. He makes peace in your borders Psalms 144:13 If you read Psalms 128 verse 6 last portions, Peace be upon Israel... Peace on Israel is a actually one of the blessings of Israel, yet God chose to separately spell it out here after the blessings for a specific reason / purpose.... Many in this world have everything the worldly life can offer to them - fabulous life, job, status, qualification, beauty, money, gold, comforts, properties, children, grand children, fame, name and can afford the best things of life easily. Yet no inner peace in them, they are having anxiety problem, their hearts are troubled, they have no contentment, they are full of greed, still want more of everything and without really knowing, they are chasing the wind for their contentment and peace. Only Jesus our Savior can give the inner peace that they are looking for as He is the prince of peace. Only the peace that Jesus gives can let your heart be at peace (not troubled or afraid) The Hebrew Bible uses a familiar but significant word, shalom. In its purest sense, shalom means peace. The connotation is positive. That is, when someone says, Shalom, or, Peace unto you, it doesnt mean, I hope you dont get into any trouble; it means, I hope you have all the highest good coming your way. Most people in our world dont understand peace as a positive concept. All they know is the negative aspect of peace, which is merely the absence of trouble. The biblical concept of peace does not focus on the absence of trouble. Biblical peace is unrelated to circumstances; it is a goodness of life that is not touched by what happens on the outside. You may be in the midst of great trials and still have biblical peace. Paul said he could be content in any circumstance; and he demonstrated that he had peace even in the jail at Philippi, where he sang and remained confident that God was being gracious to him. Then when the opportunity arose, he communicated Gods goodness to the Philippians’ jailer, and brought him and his family to salvation. Likewise, James wrote, Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials (James 1:2). It is ironic that what is surely the most definitive discourse on peace in all of Scripture comes from the Lord Jesus on the night before He died in agony. He knew what He was facing, yet He still took time to comfort His disciples with the message of peace: John 14:27 says Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. The peace Jesus is speaking of enables believers to remain calm in the most wildly fearful circumstances. It enables them to hush a cry, still a riot, rejoice in pain and trial, and sing in the middle of suffering. This peace is never by circumstances, but instead affects and even overrules them. Jesus Christ is the only one that give you Godly peace. Jesus said, My peace I give to you. Notice He says My peace. Here is the key to the super naturalness of this peace: it is His own personal peace. It is the same deep, rich peace that stilled His heart in the midst of mockers, haters, murderers, traitors, and everything else He faced. He had a calm about Him that was unnatural and nonhuman. In the midst of incomprehensible resistance and persecution, Jesus was calm and unfaltering; He was a rock. Those who knew Him might have come to expect it, but you can imagine how it must have confounded His enemies and those who didnt know Him to see someone that calm. When Jesus appeared before Pilate, He was so calm, so serene, so controlled, and so at peace, that Pilate became greatly disturbed. He was furious that Jesus was standing before him fearless; and in a near frenzy, Pilate said, Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You? (John 19:10). Then in perfect peace Jesus replied, You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above (John 19:11). Thats the kind of peace Jesus is talking about. Thats the kind He gives to us. It is undistracted fearlessness and trust. So the source of peace is Christ. When Jesus rose up live after his burial in the Tomb - He wanted to meet His disciples as He knew they would have turmoils, questions on what to do next, confusion about their future after the demise of Jesus in their mind. The first thing he told the disciples in John 20:18 was Peace be with you. He knew that His peace will alleviate all the doubts, confusion in the minds of His disciples and give them the hope for resurrection and eternal life. Yes, very true to His words, the disciples got strengthened by His peace in their hearts and had tasted first hand the realization of eternal life. Realization of they would have eternal life just like Jesus is the real inner peace after God Jesus gave them His peace. What is Godly peace and Worldly peace - What are the differences? (Ref: Romans 5:1, John 20:18, Mathews 6: 25 to 34 and Philippians 4: 4 to 7) Godly peace is unlimited and Worldly peace is limited to the life we live on this world (even that with troubled heart and anxiety) Godly peace gives you contentment and Worldly peace does not give you contentment Godly peace does not give us anxiety; World peace gives our heart tremors and anxiety Godly peace gives you hope and realization of eternal life, Worldly peace does not give you hope for eternal life. Godly peace does not make us worry for what we will eat / dress tomorrow, how is going to be my future and how to manage and Worldly peace makes us to worry about Worldly things. Godly peace fills our hearts with gratitude and thanksgiving praise even when we do not have the basic needs as it knows God will meet all our needs according to His riches and Worldly peace does not have gratitude in our hearts. Godly peace is given to people justified by faith and Worldly peace is given to all people not justified by faith and the blood of Christ. Godly peace is eternal peace and Worldly peace is rented peace and short lived peace. Godly peace guards our hearts and mind in Christ and Worldly peace spoils our hearts and mind with greediness and makes us to chase the wind. Can you ever get hold of the wind? Godly peace gives fleshy heart and Worldly peace makes the fleshy heart into stoned heart. Godly peace lets you sleep peacefully even (Paul slept in jail peacefully against an impending execution, Angels had to wake him up) when you are in a storm and Worldly peace gives you many sleepless nights... Godly peace lets you have complete, blind and bull dog faith in Word of God and Worldly peace does not let you put faith in word of God and gives you a slippery foot and creates doubts in your mind. Godly peace lets you walk into the fiery furnace of fire with faith and no harm, no charm, no tricks of Satan can disturb it. Godly peace lets you sings even when you are in jail and share the good news gospel with the soldier at the time of impending execution. Godly peace is from Jesus Christ himself and Worldly peace is centered around materialism and comes from Satan.... In short, Godly peace actually means no cry of distress, no breach of walls, no going into captivity, no tears, no quarrel, no bitter jealousy and selfish ambition, no boasting, no insecurity feeling amidst catastrophe, famine & earthquakes, no worry about our children and their future, no worry about tomorrow (be it eating or dressing or anything else), no sleepless nights, no greedy hearts, no fear in hearts, no troubled hearts, no anxiety, no doubts in What God can do for us , no harm, no charm, no tricks of Satan can disturb Godly peace in you, no confusion and chaos & having strong faith in word of God, having provision and blessing beyond subscription and spending, having fleshy and thanksgiving heart and having contended life in this world and beyond in Heaven. This is the kind of peace men really want (Godly Peace): They want a peace that deals with the past, one where no strings of conscience dipped in the poison of past sins tear at them and torture them hour by hour. They want a peace that governs the present, with no unsatisfied desires gnawing at their hearts. They want a peace that holds promise for the future, where no foreboding fear of the unknown and dark tomorrow threatens them. And that is exactly the peace through which the guilt of the past is forgiven; by which the trials of the present are overcome; and in which our destiny in the future is secured eternally. God bless you richly with His peace today, make you realize His purpose in your life and free your hearts and minds from anxiety, troubles and fear.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:32:15 +0000

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