Gods Programme for This Age An Extract from Brother Michael - TopicsExpress


Gods Programme for This Age An Extract from Brother Michael Sambos Testimony. On that side of heaven Jesus said, My Son, I have a programme for the world. When I begin My programme for this generation, all the programmes of nations, all the programmes of churches, all the programmes of man and any other programme in the world will cease to take effect. Come and see.In a moment of time we appeared in a mansion that looked like an office. In the mansion I saw angels dressed in white robes. I also saw holy saints. They all looked alike. They were dressed in white and with glorious bodies. I saw files and they were busy writing in them. Jesus showed me a chart and said, The only thing remaining in Gods programme for this age as you can see in this chart is the imminent return of Jesus to rapture the saints. The saints in heaven are ready. Angels are ready. Everything in heaven is set for the coming home of the saints on earth in the rapture. I have finished the mansions, but very unfortunately, man is not yet ready. The church is not yet ready for heaven. I am only waiting for the Fathers command to go and bring the saints home. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us- ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Revelation 22:7, 20 7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen.Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Jesus asked me to look around. And truly I saw that the angels and saints in heaven were busy preparing for the homecoming of the church, the bride of Christ. I heard a cry from among the heavenly saints, When shall our brethren come and meet us? Then Jesus said, Hear it; the saints are actually sighing for their brethren in the earth.He continued, My Spirit shall not continue to strive with the spirit of man. I cannot continue to behold the wickedness going on in the earth. Anytime My Father tells Me to come I will come, no matter how few the saints are. I will come and take them home and close My programme for this generation.Psalm 24:3-6 Matthew 5:8 Jesus continued, The mansions are ready, but it is unfortunate that the bride of the Lamb, the beloved of the Lord, is not yet ready, not yet prepared and made holy for the coming of the bridegroom.Ephesians 5:25-27 Jesus said emphatically, This church age, the time of the gentiles, this generation, is the last generation. In that mansion that looked like an office. He directed my attention to the busy activities of the angels and the saints, as they were busy putting things in order in anticipation of the arrival of the saints from the earth. I saw them really in high preparation for the coming home of the saints. He showed me a scroll and said, This generation will not pass away until all that is written in this scroll is fulfilled. The Narrow Way to Heaven He said, My son, come.We swiftly appeared at the gate. As He stretched out His right hand, I saw the narrow way leading to heaven and He said,This way can accommodate only you in Christ and Christ in you. If you carry any other thing this way cannot accommodate you. This is the way of Truth, Righteousness and Holiness. Many are taking the other way. That other way is the way of the multitudes. But this is the only way to heaven. It is a narrow way and only few find it.Matthew 7:13, 14 At that gate, we stood for a long time before I saw a saint on earth coming along that way to heaven. It took another long time before I saw another saint coming along that way to heaven. When the saint from the earth entered into heaven I heard a shout of acclamation and joy; a soul had entered into heaven! There were usually shouts of joy when a soul entered into heaven. Speaking more of this narrow way, Jesus continued, This narrow way is the way of Truth, Righteousness and Holiness.He quoted Isaiah 33:15-17: Jesus said, If any man desires to enter into heaven I am the only Way, the Truth and the Life. Go and tell man I still love him.John 14:6 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven giving among men, whereby we must be saved.JESUS CHRIST!! Multitudes on the Broad Way to Hell Fire!! Also at that gate He stretched out His left hand and I saw the broad way. I saw multitudes of people: little children, youths, men and women of all races: black, white etc. I had perfect understanding there. I saw the rich and the poor, the nobles and kings of the earth. The density of people walking along that way, I can best compare to the multitudes of people I saw in Oshodi market, Lagos, Nigeria. They were pressing on one another, overtaking each other. I saw that their movement was not freely. There was a strong force pulling them towards the direction they were going. Then I asked the Lord Jesus, Where are these people going to? He answered, They are on their way to hell. These are people I created for My own glory, but now they are on their way to eternal destruction.Psalm 9:17 When I heard this I fell down and was crying. I pleaded, Dont destroy them, Lord! Dont destroy them, Lord!! He responded in tears, But they hated Me. How can I allow some one who does not love Me to come into My kingdom? This people have I formed to show forth My praise, but they are now going into eternal damnation. Jesus was crying like a baby. Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Beloved Friend I dont know what you believe in or how you are living your life, but i strongly advice You to give your Life to JESUS CHRIST before its too late. If youre a Christian NOW is the Time to pursue GODs Righteousness and Holiness.Dont be Fooled by anyone....WITHOUT GODs HOLINESS NOONE WILL SEE THE LORD.Hebrews 12 vs 14 Master JESUS CHRIST is COMING any Time from NOW.Please Prepare and Be Ready!! John 3 vs 16-17 GOD BLESS YOU!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:38:28 +0000

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