Going through accusations and counter accusations credited to Gov - TopicsExpress


Going through accusations and counter accusations credited to Gov Nyako during recent meeting in USA between Northern Govs and Govt representatives from USA, Norway and Denmark, on current economic, social and Security challenges in Northern Nigeria, I wish to add these comments:- No matter how Nyako beg for empathy from us, am sure that USA representatives in that meeting will either be laughing at some ridiculous accusations Gov Nyako made, OR, biting their lips with indignation against Nyako. Reason is that this is same conspiracy theory that was also leveled against USA by SOME SECTIONS of the Muslim world after terrorist attack on Twin Towers of World Trade Center, in Sept 11th 2001. Then, they told us that USA planed the attack, just for them to have excuse to attack Muslim countries! Ironically, it is same USA that Nyako and co now run to, to level same conspiracy accusation against our Fed Govt. Yes, there are some questions to ask, including why our armed forces lack strong appetite to confront BH when they are on killing spree is some towns and schools. But same can be said of our Police men. On many occasions, our police refuse to move to scenes, where armed robbery is taking place? Why, because they are not motivated or so patriotic to put in their lives on the line. And sometimes, the ammunition of the robbers are far superior than what our police have. This is mainly the case with our army against BH. Or is Nyako now telling us that Fed Govt also sponsored armed robberies in many parts of Nigeria? Lets call a spade a spade! As I have, severally, made posts here and other groups, the fact is that Fed govt have failed to adequately arm and motivate our armed forces. No doubt, large amount of money have been mapped out by Fed Govt to adequately equip our armies, but just as anything in Nigeria, e.g,,as in electricity, , the problem is that money mapped out for important things ends up in private pockets. Massive corruption in the system. So,what I expect from Northern leaders is to insist that Fed Govt give account of trillions of naira spent on this so-called war against BH. Where are the money? Why is it that the fire-power of our armed forces is still inferior to that of BH? As I wrote earlier, someone that his/her house is burning should stop chasing crickets. Quench the fire first, because running after crickets that fly out from the fire, before stopping the fire, is gross irresponsibility. All good Northerners, all good Muslim, and in fact, all Nigerians, should join hands to defeat this monster called BH. This is not time to carelessly point fingers to others or carelessly make stupid comments. It is shameful that while innocent Nigerians are being mercilessly slaughtered in the North, main players in PDP and APC are busy accusing each others on whom to blame, instead of quenching the fire first, with all their energy. A stitch in time saves nine!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:03:58 +0000

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